Life Saving in War Time. By Mabel Palmer, M.A. (C.
Arthur Pearson. Is. net.)—In view of the terrible wastage of life in war and the necessity of making good this wastage in the future, the facts and figures as to infant mortality given in Mrs. Palmer's useful little hand- book, compiled for the National League for Physical Education and. Improvement, call for the most serious consideration by all those who do not want to see our nation diminish in strength and prosperity. We lose every year before birth about one hundred and thirty-two thousand babies, and after birth in the first year of life about eighty-eight thousand. The chief causes of the evil are " maternal ignorance, poverty, bad sanitation and housing, venereal diseases, lack of skilled care at child- birth, and unsuitable occupation of the mothers." Many of these causes, it is obvious, could be removed, and all, as Mrs. Palmer says, could by wise means be mitigated. The last chapter in the little book gives advice to those who aro willing to help in• trying to remedy this state of things.