[To ma EDITOR OF TEE " SPECTATOR"] Sm,—Many of us out here have realized for some time the truth which underlies the letter of " L. L." in the columns of the Spectator of August 12th. This war is, in his own words, " definitely and absolutely in the Cause of Right and for the Kingdom's sake." Yet when the Bishop of London, at the very beginning of things, told the world that it was a Holy War, two Oxford Professors—hint Woe /acrimae—took it upon themselves pedantically to point out, to their own satisfaction and to our disgust, that it was nothing of the kind. So the Church once again lost a priceless opportunity of giving her sons a noble and inspiring lead. This war is a Crusade, that the kingdoms of this world—not merely the Central Powers—may become the Kingdoms of Christ. And the sooner this is understood the materialism of England, which is gener- ally patent, will decrease, and the spirituality of her Armies, sometimes
latent, will increase.—I am, Sir, dot., E. F. HELM. in the Field.