Rumania's decision coincided with Italy's declaration of war on Germany,
which was officially announced at Rome last Sunday. The message in which the Italian Government declares that Italy considers herself to be in a state of war with Germany as from August 28th was conveyed through the Swiss Government to Berlin, and accompanied by a Note recounting the repeated acts of hostility by the German Government towards Italy. The Note dwells further on Germany's lavish assistance to Austria-Hungary on the Southern Front ; on the surrender to Austria-Hungary by the German Govern- ment of escaped Italian prisoners who had taken refuge in German territory; on the invitation addressed to German bankers and credit establishments by the German Foreign ,Office to consider all Italian subjects as alien enemies and to postpone-all payments due to them ; and on the suspension of the payments to Italian workmen of pensions owing to them by formal declarations of German law. This announcement, which terminates an anomalous situation and removes allmisunderstandings of Italy's position among the Entente Powers, has not only been greeted with the utmost satisfaction by her Allies, but has aroused the greatest enthusiasm in Italy. The solidarity of the Latin Powers is now almost complete.