It is known that before the war there were Germans
who were disgusted by the treatment of the Armenians by the Turkish Govern- ment. We are glad to learn that the acquiescence of the German Government in the recent appalling massacres—one of the blackest pages in German diplomatic history—has elicited a protest which proves humanity to be not yet extinct among educated Germans. The Basle Nachrichten, we read in Tuesday's papers, has published a memorial addressed by German Professors of Aleppo, in Syria, to the Berlin Foreign Office, declaring that " the German name is likely to be eternally stained in the East unless we prevent our Turkish allies continuing their wholesale massacres of Armenians." The memorialists mention that of two thousand to three thousand peasants conducted in good health from Upper Armenia to Syria, only about forty invalids survive. The others have succumbed under the blows of their gaokrs, or to hunger or thirst. We do not imagine that the German Professors of Aleppo will get much change out of the German Foreign Office. None the less their protest deserves the widest publicity.