30 AUGUST 1940, Page 14


Sm,—Each of the two pieces quoted by Mr. Richard Church in his review of my Poems is defaced by an uncorrected misprint. " Secret for " scent " in the first, " sea-sand " for " sea-send " in the second, render lines five and four respectively unmeaning.

The two biographic facts he supplies are equally erroneous. Poems is not my " first book of verse ": that was "Bull" and Other 11":, Verses, published in 1919, and my introduction to The Spectator was not as surmised, with unfailing and superfluous inaccuracy, by my friend George Moore, but as described by myself in your issue d last December 22nd.—Yours faithfully, D. S. MAcCou- z Hampstead Way, N.W. it.