30 AUGUST 1940, page 20


Hamlet Had an Uncle. By Branch Cabell. (The Bodley Ilea! 7s. 6d.) • The Lights Go Down. By Erika Mann. Translated from the German by Maurice Samuel. (Seeker and Warburg. 8s.......

Shorter Notices

-Barbarians and Philistines. By T. C. Worsley. (Hale. los. 6d.) SLINGING brickbats at the English Public School system is an old diversion in which Mr. Worsley has had many......

The Case For Family Allowances. By Eleanor F. Rathbone, M.p.

(" Penguin Special." 6d.) The Case for Family Allowances. By Eleanor F. Rathbone, M.P. (" Penguin Special." 6d.) SIXTEEN years ago Dr. Rathbone produced a book, The Dis-......

Into China. By Eileen Bigland. (collins. I8s.)

As the Burma Road becomes world news, Miss Bigland's book explodes in the lap of Western Civilisation as a reminder that the war in China is three years old. Against all the......