The Aliens Scandal
Sra,—I have lately learned of an occurrence which shocks me, and which I cannot but think will shock your readers. An old German gentleman of about 70, a Class C refugee of the......
Evacuation And Taxation
must confess to feeling surprise at the letter signed "Pharos" in your last issue, in which your correspondent complains that the education of his two children, aged eight and......
Feeling Hitler's Victims
Stu,—I think there must be many who share the feeling of disquiet that it appears to be necessary to starve the people of Holland, Belgium, France, and possibly Scandinavia, in......
The Foreign Legion
Sits,--In M. Lapie's article the colonel of the Foreign Legion is reported as saying : " Action is sufficient in itself, without regard to its purpose." Dr. Rauschning, in his......
Broadcasting And The Proms
Snt,—As stated by " Janus," the failure to broadcast the Promenade Concerts this year is regrettable. However, I feel that it is even more regrettable from a propaganda......
War Aims
Sim,—The letter that you published last week under the title " War Aims " is useful and illuminating. That there can still be anyone who can complain that nobody has told him......
Pigs And Potatoes
Sul,—In the August 16th leading article " Facts about Famine " you claim that " potatoes eaten as vegetables provide much more nutrition than when converted into pig flesh."......
The Second String "
Sm,—Each of the two pieces quoted by Mr. Richard Church in his review of my Poems is defaced by an uncorrected misprint. " Secret for " scent " in the first, " sea-sand " for "......