Sta,—there Are Two Points In Mr. W. R. Titterton's Admirable
letter to which exception must be taken. The first is his implied classifica- tion of such thinkers as Plato and Socrates as " pagans." One of the chief points in the indictment......
S Ul — Theprinciple Of Family Allowances -referred To In...
anicle in your issue of the 23rd instant has beea recognised in civil lif e by the Workmen's Compensation (Supplementary Allowances) Act, 1940, which came into force on the 19th......
Indian Home Rule
SIR,—I have followed with interest Dr. Shahani's and others' recent articles on India. I have not had the privilege of having read articles on the subject for forty years as is......
British Air Losses
Sta,—" Janus's " guardianship of the accuracy of the published figures of British air losses is intrinsically unconvincing. Few people doubt the accuracy of the figures anyhow;......
Family Allowances
Ste,—In your " News of the Week " under the heading " Compulsory Arbitration on Wages " attention is drawn to the difficulty of deciding "to what extent the workers are entitled......
Aircraft : Quality Or Quantity
SIR, —In the article by Mr. J. M. Spaight in your last issue the ques- tions of quantity and quality of aircraft are raised in connexion with the possibility of mass-production.......
Ste,—discussions Concerning The Alleged Antagonism Of...
the present conflict are apt to be somewhat unreal because of the extreme elasticity of meaning attached to both these terms. Christianity can be anything from the worst......
Sta,—the Statement Of Your Correspondent Mr. W. R....
" We have, as a nation, and as individuals, fallen lamentably short of the Christian ideal," is one which would command almost un:versa l, but, nevertheless, unthinking assent.......
Harvest In England
SIR, —In your note on " The Harvest in England " you state that " the crop showed no better than moderate—the wheat above average, the oats very much below." It would be......