Sir,—may I " Go Off At A Tangent " To
the original arc of the discus- sion- under the heading " Christianity and Paganism," impelled so to do by a golden sentence in the letter of your correspondent Mr. W. R.......
Letters To The Editor [in View Of The Paper Shortage
it is essential that letters on these pages should be brief. We are anxious not to reduce the number of letters, but unless they are shorter they must be fewer. Writers are......
Sta.,—the Courageous Challenge Of Dean Matthews To Our...
to explain precisely what they mean by their assertion that: " For some, pacificism is a genuine vocation," demands support from those who, like myself, believe that pacificist......
" Christianity And Paganism "
Sit,—The derivation of the word pagan from " paganus," a rustic, implies its aboriginal significance, i.e., the religious beliefs of the rustic, one living apart from the......
Sta,—the Statement Of Your Correspondent Mr. W. R....
" We have, as a nation, and as individuals, fallen lamentably short of the Christian ideal," is one which would command almost un:versa l, but, nevertheless, unthinking assent.......
Sm,—let Me Hasten To Inform You That An Exponent Of
pacifism (not pacificism) is a pacifist (not pacificist), as spelt in the Spectator of August 9th and r6th. Your correspondents can be excused in their inability to find the......
Sir,—i Have To Admit The Force Of Dr. Matthews' Able
rejoinder, and to confess that it should have been obvious to me that minority opinions cannot be inspired by God, but must emanate from some sinister origin. With regard to the......