In the south-east General Rundle has been moving east- ward
against the Boer position on the Tafelberg, ten miles east of Senekal, near which two or three minor actions have been fought, while in the north-east the country is re-
ported clear of the enemy between Standerton and Heidel- berg. Strathcona's Horse, landing at the northern extremity of Tongaland, have destroyed the bridge on the Delagoa Bay railway, seven miles west of Komati Poort. Sir Charles Warren reports the surrender of De Villiers with two hundred and twenty men, two hundred and eighty horses, and a. hundred thousand rounds of ammunition, and with it the extinction of the rebellion in Cape Colony north of the Orange River. In the Transvaal the enemy are said to be concentrating north- east of Pretoria, but desertions are numerous, the foreign legion is getting out of hand, twelve thousand arms have now been surrendered, and it is noted as a good sign that the farmers are sending their produce to the Pretoria market. As it is believed that Botha is watching the turn of events in the south before surrendering or retiring to the Lyden- burg district—another view is that he has made a compact with De Wet that neither force shall surrender while the other is uncaptured—the result of the converging movement against De Wet will be awaited with interest.