Current Literat Ure.
ART-BOOKS. 2s.)-1n this work M. Michel has done for Rubens what he has done for Rembrandt already. He has produced a work full of research into details, but written in such a......
A History Of Gothic Art In England. By E. S.
Prior. (G. Bell and Sons. 31s. Cd.)—The author contends strongly for the acknowledgment of the independence of English Gothic, and controverts the theories of its French origin.......
Dante Gabriel Rossetti : An Illustrated Memorial Of His Art
and Life. By H. C. Marillier. (G. Bell and Sons. £5 5s.)—So much has been written of late about the Pre-Raphaelites generally, and Rossetti in particular, that there is nothing......
The Yangtse Valley.*
ALTHOUGH We hear of violent changes at Pekin, the more remote provinces of China move slowly. Reaction has set in at the capital before the antecedent reforms have really begun......
The Phil May Album. Collected By A. M. Moore. (methuen
and Co. 6s.)—It is needless to praise the character drawing and humour of Mr. May's work, for they are plain to all ; but it takes close examination to appreciate the subtle......