The Unchanging East.
The Unchanging East. By Robert Barr. (Chatto and Windus. 6s.)—Mr. Barr is at once a genial humourist and a keen observer, and if he does not tell us anything that is positively......
What Is Thought?
What is Thought? or, The Problem of Philosophy by Way of a General Conclusion so Far. By James Hutchison Stirling. LL.D. (T. and T. Clark. 10s. 6d.)—It is easier to point out......
Aristotle's Ethics.
Chapters from Aristotle's Ethics. By Professor J. H. Muirhead. (John Murray. 7s. 6d.)—In this piece of critical interpretation which Professor Mairhead has given us we welcome a......
The Flowing Tide.
The Flowing Tide. By Madame Belloc. (Sands and Co. 6s.) —This book is written to prove that Catholicism is increasing in England, reviving on the Continent, and spreading all......
Luther. And The German Reformation.
Luther and the German. Reformation. By Thomas M. Lindsay, D.D., Professor of Church History, Free Church College, Glasgow. (T. and T. Clark. 3s.)—We need perpetual moral......