General Nathan B. Forrest.
The Life of General Nathan Bedford Forrest. By John Allan Wyeth, M.D. (Harper and Brothers. $4.)—In this Life of one of the most remarkable cavalry leaders on the Confederate......
Marie Antoinette.
Maris Antoinette and the Diamond Necklace. By F. de Albini. (Swan Sonnenschein and Co. 6s.)—Dante would have assigned a separate pit in his Malebolge to the rascals of the......
In Moorish Captivity.
In Moorish Captivity : an Account of the 'Tourmaline' Expedi- tion in Sus. By H. AL Grey. (Edward Arnold. 16s.)—We need only recall to our readers the name of Major Spilsbury......
How To Deal With Your Banker.
How to Deal with Your Banker. By Henry Warren. (Grant Richards. 3s. 6d.)—This little handbook to the external sides of banking business is a mine of knowledge in regard to the......