Some Social And Political Pioneers Of The Nineteenth...
Ramsden Balmforth. (Swan Sonnenschein and Co. 2s. 6d.) —Mr. Balmforth has reprinted this series of articles from the Co - operative Review with the modest hope that they will be......
()iloilo, Old And New. By C. Sellers. With Illustrations....
E. Harper. .el ls.)—The title given above really resolves itself into a history of the port wine trade and the various merchants who have made, and been made by, port. A......
Historic Parallels To L'21ffaire Dreyfus. By Edgar...
and Co. 6s.)—The publication of these historic parallels to the now historic farce of Rennes is a very timely reminder to us that we cannot throw stones at our neigh - hours. A......
Reminiscences, 1819 - 1899. By Julia Ward Howe. (gay And...
net.)—The writer of this autobiography is an American, and as she is eighty years of age her recollections stretch over the greater part of the century. The book begins with a......
On The Eve Of The War. By Evelyn Cecil, M.p.
(John Murray. 3s. 6d.)—The "ordinary reader" will soon be so sur- feited with books dealing with the events of the war in South Africa, that a volume dealing with incidents that......
The Syriac Chronicle Of Zachariah Of Mitylene. Translated...
by F. J. Hamilton, D.D., and E. W. Brooks, M.A. (Methuen and Co. 12s. 6d.)—This is the third volume of Pro• fessor Bury's valuable series of Byzantine texts. The author was a......
The Diary Of A Dreamer. By Alice Dew-smith. (t. Fisher
Unwin. es.)—This book contains forty-five very short and very slight essays or articles of the type of which we see sufficient in the evening papers. Some of them are amusing,......
Current Liter At Lire.
THE PATHOLOGY OF EMOTIONS. The Pathology of Emotions. By Ch. Fere. Translated by R. Park, M.D. (The University Press.)—The increasing com- plexity of life, the pace at which we......