[TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] Stn,—You will be glad to know that a rifle club has been inaugurated at West Hartlepool.with the greatest prospect of success. Last week it was formally opened by the Mayor of the borough, who fired the first shot at a Morris-tube range. The club is supported by several of the leading shipowners of this port, and one of them has provided gratuitously a ton and a half of steel for the targets, while another has promised a large supply of Morris-tube ammunition. We have become affiliated with the National Rifle Association, though not in entire agreement with their recently framed scheme, and the Committee hope to draft the efficient marksmen at Morris- tube practice to the long range of the Castle Eden Rifle Volunteers, which the Colonel commanding has practically placed at our disposal. It may further interest you to blow that the movement in West Hartlepool is entirely owing in the first place to the persistent advocacy of the Spectator.—
Chairman of the Committee.
Averill House; Grange Bead, West Hartlepool.
P.S.—Alreddy two hundred members have paid the small annual subscription of 5s. We open the club every evening during the week (Sundays excepted) and on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons. Twice a week five rounds of ammu- nition are given free. The rest used is supplied by our musketry instructor at the rate of three cartridges a penny.