During last Saturday the tide of victory continued to flow.
Early in the day enemy reinforcements failed to check our troops, who
had pushed on in the high ground south-east of Albert overnight, and were by Saturday night astride of the Thiepval Ridge, taking many places known to fame in the Somme fighting two years ago, such as La Boisselle, Mouquet Farm and Grandcourt. To the north Miratunont, after a stiff defence, was gradually outflanked, and the New Zealanders made a dashing advance to the outskirts of Bapaume at Avesnes, taking 400 prisoners in one wood. During the week-end the road from Albert, north-east to near Bapaume, about fifteen miles, came into our hands, and Welsh troops took Mametz Wood, five miles east of Albert. On Sunday morning Sir Douglas Haig's prisoners had reached a total of 17,000. To the north of Soissons General Mangin continued to press forward between the Ailette and the Aisne.