War Lettere Of A Public School Boy. By Paul Jones.
(Cassell and Co. (ls. net.)--A clever boy's letters from the front, such as are given in this book, are always interesting. It is sad to think of the promising career cut short......
FOE -FARRELL.* Tux great majority of novels take account in some form or another of the tender passion, but here we have a romance, whioh is at the same time a highly edifying......
Service Corps Shows That Life In The Alaosdonian....
is not nearly so uninteresting as we might infer from the curt bulletins issued at intervals. Mr. Seligman had a conversation with M. Venizelos, and took part in the operations......
The Soul Of Lee. Byrandolph H. Maim. (new York :
Longman. $1.50.) — This interesting andenthusiastio little book bya Confederate veteran gives a brief account of General Robert E. Lee's life. All his °warp:nen to-day are proud......
Drunken Sister-in-law.—the Stairs. By Mrs. Stanley...
Os.)—The grandfather of the heroine is certainly the pleasantest person in this country story. The readers will hardly sympathize with the conduct of the same lady with regard......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Notice in this column does not necessarily preclude subsequent review.] The Boyd Navy, 1815-1915. By the Marquess of Milford. Haven. (Cambridge University Press. 2s. 6d.......
My War Diary.•
IN some ways the reader will be inclined to agree with the writer of the Preface to the present volume, that it is the comparative triviality of the events experienced which......