31 AUGUST 1918, Page 16

The Soul of Lee. ByRandolph H. Maim. (New York :

Longman. $1.50.)—This interesting andenthusiastio little book bya Confederate veteran gives a brief account of General Robert E. Lee's life. All his °warp:nen to-day are proud of Lee as a great soldier and a man of sterling character. It is well to be reminded that Lee gained all his victories with armies that were greatly outnumbered by the Union forces. Mr. McKim does not make too high a claim for his old chief when he contends that Gettysburg would have been a Southern victory if Lee's orders had been obeyed, especially by Longatreet, and if the politicians had not upset the commander's plans for threatening Washington. The American Civil War seems to have been overlooked by the German General Staff when it propounded the theory that the Americans would be worthless as fighting men.