31 AUGUST 1918, page 2

On Tuesday The British Advance Was Maintained On The Whole

front, while on its right General Debeny, pressing the enemy back on both sides of the Avre, occupied Laucourt on the Montdidier-Roye road and captured Roye and seven villages......

It Is With The Greatest Regret That We Record The

resignation, owing to ill-health, of the American Ambassador, Dr. Page. We scarcely know whether to admire more the Ambassador's work when his country was still a Neutral, or......

While French Troops Were Pushing On Rapidly At Noyon, The

Canadians were heavily engaged throughout Wednesday, south of the Scarpe, clearing the enemy out of some important trenches, and taking Pelves, six miles due east of Arras.......

Rumour Still Concerns Itself With A General Election In...

but - nothing on the subject has been said by the Prime Minister or by any member of the Cabinet. Our own impression is that the more the nation looks at the prospect of a......

On Wednesday Week Lord French Made An Important Speech In

Londonderry. He declared, according to the report in the Times, that his statements must be accepted as " a correct expression of the Government's Irish policy." The most......

During Last Saturday The Tide Of Victory Continued To Flow.

Early in the day enemy reinforcements failed to check our troops, who had pushed on in the high ground south-east of Albert overnight, and were by Saturday night astride of the......

On Wednesday, While The Enemy's Retreat Was Forcibly...

the front between the Scarpe and the Aisne, the battle lime- light swung southward to illuminate an important advance by the French. Their victorious troops took Chaulnes and......

The Ulster Unionist Council Published, On Friday Of Last...

a full and convincing reply to the preposterous manifesto recently sent to President Wilson by the Dublin Mansion House Conference on the subject of Compulsory Military Service......

On Monday Sir Douglas Haig Extended His Operations...

five miles, and by noon had taken Wancourt and Monchy le Preux, a height important in turning Bapaume from the north. Monchy overlooks the Hindenburg line. Our men were......

North Of The Somme British Troops Took Hardecourt And Quirt

after heavy fighting and pushed on towards Maurepas, five miles north-west of Peronne. South of the river the Australians, thrusting with their usual vigour, reached Herbecourt,......

North Of The Scarpe Other Scottish Troops On Tuesday Took

Roeux and Gavrelle, about five miles east and north-east of Arras. At Arleux-en-Gohelle English troops had the satisfaction of establishing themselves in what was the German......