On Wednesday, while the enemy's retreat was forcibly hastened along
the front between the Scarpe and the Aisne, the battle lime- light swung southward to illuminate an important advance by the French. Their victorious troops took Chaulnes and Neste, estab- lishing their line on the Somme to the east of Nesle, and along the Canal du Nord to the north of Noyon, where they hold Pont r Eveque. Our Allies have therefore drawn a cordon round Noyon similar to that which British troops have on recent days established round Bapaume. In their rapid advance the French took some LOO prisoners, and three trains full of munitions. General Mangin also made progress on Wednesday between the Oise and the Mane, the late communiqué recording lively fighting about Juvigny, where American troops valiantly repulsed several counter- attacks.