Another Sign Which May Be Mentioned In This Connection Is
the fact that the Germans who surrender in many cases use a new phrase in declaring their willingness to be taken prisoner. They no longer say " Kamerad ! " but " War finis ! "......
The British Attack Between The Ancre And The Somme, Which
was in progress on Thursday week when we went to press, was completely successful. Albert was cleared of the enemy, in the course of a two-mile advance on a six-mile front, and......
During Last Saturday The Tide Of Victory Continued To Flow.
Early in the day enemy reinforcements failed to check our troops, who had pushed on in the high ground south-east of Albert overnight, and were by Saturday night astride of the......
Let Us Return To A Simile Which We Used Very
early in the war when people were profoundly discouraged by the spectacle of an apparently complete deadlock. We compared the circumstances with a tug of war. One sees, for......
Although There May Be Danger Of Being Almost Too Optimistic
at the moment, one cannot possibly be too optimistic about what will happen when the full Allied strength is brought to bear. Already, although only a small proportion of the......
As We Know Only Too Well, When Our Government Reduced
the numbers of the British Army on the Western Front by about a quarter through failing to supply the men, training became almost impossible. All the men were required for......
News Of The Week.
T HE news from the front has been so consistently good that the only danger is that we may become too optimistic. The feature of all the fighting during this month has been that......
The Paper Shortage.
TO OUR READERS.—It is now necessary for readers to place a definite order for the " Spectator" with their Newsagent or at one of the Railway Book- stalls. Should any reader......