THE news from the front has been so consistently good that the only danger is that we may become too optimistic. The feature of all the fighting during this month has been that the pressure on the Germans has never ceased for a single clay. There have been none of the intermissions for resting and consolidating freshly-gained positions and bringing up war material which used to be quite so familiar. Marshal Foch's policy is evidently to keep the enemy moving. Moreover, he is keeping him moving not on a narrow front but along the whole line from Bailleul to the Anere. He is doing this with hardly any superiority of numbers, if with any superiority at all. The full weight of the American army which is still being trained has yet to be felt. This is a very different and far more meritorious performance than that of the Germans them- selves, for the German successes were achieved in each case by an enormous local preponderance of numbers. The phalanx having once been started proceeded a considerable distance as it were of its own momentum.