31 AUGUST 1918, page 12

Horses' Rations.

[To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—I was glad to see a letter in your paper last week re the above. I fully endorse what "C. H." -says on the subject, and think it would......

The Lotteries (war Charities) Bill.

[To THE Erma or TH1 " SPECTATOR."] Sta,--Lady Poore's letter is, like all that she writes, charming, amusing, and delightful; but is not her persiflage rather illogical and a......

A Proud Swan.

[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] Storrington, in Sussex, a pair of swans have a family of six cygnets. This is an unusually large number, for although the hen can lay from......

Dogs In Battle.

[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—It may interest some of your readers if you would care to publish the following letter I have received from my son : "There were two......

The Coal Shortage. [to The Editor Of The " Spectator. "]

SIR,—If Ireland does not fight, why should Ireland have coal ?-......

Pensions Administration. (to The Editor Of The "...

SIL—For those who turn away wearied from comic opera some relief may be obtained from a study of the lucubrations of the Ministry of Pensions, particularly if sidelights are......


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—I shall be very grateful if any of your readers can tell me whether it is possible to make good jam from ripe grapes, white or black,......

An Election Cry.

[TO THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR.") Sea,—It is said that Mr. Lloyd George will go to the country with the electioneering cry, " Will you win the war ?" There is, of course, an......