31 AUGUST 1918, Page 2

North of the Somme British troops took Hardecourt and Quirt

after heavy fighting and pushed on towards Maurepas, five miles north-west of Peronne. South of the river the Australians, thrusting with their usual vigour, reached Herbecourt, four miles due west of Peronne. Sir Douglas Haig reported on Wednesday night that the enemy were showing stubborn resistance on the passages of the Somme—at Peronne and Brie. At the time of writing, on Thursday, the enemy were still holding on to Peronne, and even more desperately to Bapaume, in the effort to gain time. But the Allies continue to push them back steadily on a wide front. The British official report of Thursday morning clainird 26,000 prisoners, and over 100 guns, between August 21 and 28.