31 AUGUST 1918, Page 13


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—These lines are on the tomb of a Canadian eadtit in the military cemetery at Aldershot. I have long tried to trace their authorship, and, like every one who hears them for the first time, believe them to be Ripling's, but no one seems able to run them to earth. .Perhaps some of your readers might know who wrote them.—I am, Sir, &c., L. A. SCOT. ' Mars' Training Ship. Newport, Fife, N.B.

" Then lead, and thy son shall follow,

Or follow, and he will lead—

And side by side, though the world deride, Ye shall prove by word and deed That you share with him his youthfulness,

And he with you your prime—

A nd so it shall be till the sun shall set On the outermost edge of time."