31 AUGUST 1918, Page 17

Everybody's Plower Book. By F. M. Ramsay. (Simpkin Marshall.) —This

attractive little book deals with the fascinating subject of the cutting and arrangement of flowers for room and table decoration. The arrangement of flowers being an art, Miss Ramsay is careful not to be too didactic, and only offers, with some diffidence, hints gained from practical experience that will save the artist or novice time and trouble. Art, as is well known, is one of the most debatable subjects under heaven, and that of table decoration is no exception. " Orthodoxy is my dozy," quotes Miss Ramsay, " and heterodoxy is your doxy." Some of her readers may probably discover, as we do, heterodoxy here and there, but this does not detract from interest in her views or the value of many of her suggestions. The book is profusely illustrated.