Signor Giolitti, who has once more become the Italian Preinier,
was well received by the Chamber last Thursday week when he expounded a programme of radical reform at home and of moderation abroad. In regard to Albania, where the natives have risen against the Italian troops in occupation and driven them back to Valona, Signor Giolitti declared his intention to uphold Albanian independence. He would send no more troops to Albania and would be prepared to negotiate in regard to Valona, though.Italy could not permit that port to be occupied by any other Power. A Socialist motion. demanding instant withdrawal from Albania was defeated by 248 votes to 108, and the Government obtained a vote on account to the end of the year by a still larger majority. Meanwhile the extreme Socialists continue to promote disorder in Italy. Last Saturday at Ancona they provoked a mutiny ins regiment of Bersaglieri. The mutiny was soon suppressed by the rest of the garrison. Thereupon the local revolutionaries, who had stolen rifles and machine-guns from the barracks, fought a regular battle with the troops, and sustained hundreds of casualties before they surrendered.