3 JULY 1920, page 31
Poets And Poetry.
MR. NICHOLS' " AITRELIA." t Mn. ROBERT Nicaoas' virtues are many. Oftener than his reader has a right to expect—for every poet has a fixed allow- ance of failures per successful......
Poems Worthy Of Consideration. —lyric Earth. By John...
Philip Allan & Co. 3s. 6d. net.— The Pilgrimage of a Thousand Years- By Owen F. Grazebook. (Cornish Bros. 4s. 6d. net.)—A rather prosaic but none the less. readable and......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Notice in this column does not necessarily preclude subsequent revive. THE JULY MoarrnrAas.—The Nineteenth Century opens with a plain-spoken article on " An Oranicompetent......