3 JULY 1920, page 13
Topics Of The Day.
" THE ERROR OF THEIR WAYS." "THE Sikh Government have asked for war, and by God they shall have it." That was Lord Dalhousie's answer to the insults offered to the Indian......
Cutting Down Expenditure ; Or, How To Achieve The...
" Vous avez pour principe d'achninistration, que l'argent n'eet rien, tandie qu'au contraire, dan,8 lee circonetancee o& nowt FOMMC8, l'argent eat tout."*—(ntrotEort to the......
What Should We Do ? T He Supporters Of The Government
tell us that, though we may criticize Lord French, it is positively wicked to try and make Mr. Lloyd George and the Cabinet responsible for what is going on in Ireland. They......