The Punjab Disturbances.
ITO THE EDITOR OP THE SPECTATOR.") Sea,—May I be permitted to point out to your correspondent, Sir James Wilson, that he mixes up " Martial Law " with "Duties in Aid of the......
[to The Editor Op Thz " Spectator.") Sir,—professor...
reminds me of a meeting I once attended in South Africa, where Irish propagandists told a horrible tale of .British rule in Ireland. The Boers were im- pressed, but before they......
The French Acadians.
• [To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR.") read with interest_ a few weeks ago Dr. Macphail's letter on the French-Canadians of Quebec, and the ensuing correspondence, and am......
" An Unarmed Crowd."
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " BPECTATOR."1 Srs,—Public opinion on General Dyer's action at Amritsar has been greatly prejudiced by the difficulty that we here have of realizing......
Sinn Fein Propaganda.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") Sia,—Professor Henry quotes one man, Lord Campbell (not a very good authority), to the effect that in 1833 the English hated the Irish. It......