The Bibliographical Society, Following The Example Of The...
has taken over a privately owned periodical dealing with its special subject. The Library, founded and con- ducted for thirty years by Sir J. Y. W. MacAlister, will hence- forth......
Negro Migration During The War. By Emmet J. Scott. (new
York : Oxford University Press ; and H. Milford.)—This volume of the " Preliminary Economic Studies of the War " issued by the_ Carnegie Endowment for International Peace deals......
Sir Robert Blair, The Education Officer Of The London County
Council, has issued the Draft Scheme of the Local Education Authority under the new Education Act. This elaborate work, well written and well indexed, outlines the history of......
Mr. H. Milford Has Publishe I In This Country For
the Carnegie Institution two of the new editions of classics of international law, edited by Mr. J. B. Scott, to which the Institution has devoted special attention for some......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Notice in this column does not necessarily preclude subsequent revive. THE JULY MoarrnrAas.—The Nineteenth Century opens with a plain-spoken article on " An Oranicompetent......
The London Joint City And Midland Bank In Their Monthly
Review for June have reprinted Mr. McKenna's important address on " The Taxable Capacity of the Nation," which he put at not more than £1,000,000,000 a year, though the Govern-......
Whatever Pessimists May Say, The Increased Interest Taken...
is a noteworthy sign of the times. We are glad to record the appearance of a new periodical, Theology, a " monthly journal of historic Christianity," edited by E. G. Selwyn......
The Pilgrim's Guide To The Ypres Salient. (h. Reiach For
Talbot House. 3s. 6d. net.)—This little book, written by ex-service men, is a practical guide to the battlefields in the Salient and to the sadly numerous cemeteries, with maps......