Whatever pessimists may say, the increased interest taken in theology
is a noteworthy sign of the times. We are glad to record the appearance of a new periodical, Theology, a " monthly journal of historic Christianity," edited by E. G. Selwyn (S.P.C.K. Is. 3d. net). It contains, among other things, an article by
Professor A. H. McNeile on " St. Paul Relation to Our Lord," a valuable essay by Professor Roland Usher on " Bancroft and the Divine Right of Bishops "—a doctrine which Bancroft, he thinks, was unjustly accused of assisting—and an important review by Professor A. E. Taylor of Professor Webb's first Gifford Lectures. Professor Taylor refers caustically to " some philosophers, who ought to know better," who " still seem to regard disbelief in Christianity, or even perhaps disbelief in God, as a qualification for being taken seriously in metaphysics."