[To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR."] Sm.,—Might I again venture to appeal urgently to your readers for, assistance with regard to the publication of the third Totems (1918-19) of the Chronology of the War (Constable and Co.)? As I stated in my letter appearing in your issue of May 1st, H.M.'s Treasury has refused to publish the third volume, although quite ready for the press, on the grounds that the Ministry of Information, under whose auspices the first two volumes were published, is defunct. I regret to say
that my appeal to your readers only resulted in the sum of £13 being subscribed towards the £850 asked for, and I have not yet succeeded in raising even two-thirds of that sum. All sub- scriptions will be most gratefully received and acknowledged by me. I would remind your readers that subscribers of t5 and over will receive the complete work (three volumes and atlas), whilst those of between £2 and £5 will be sent a copy of the third volume.—I am, Sir, &c.,
EDWARD GUMMIER, Major-General.
35 Catherine Street, S.W. 1.