[To THE EDITOR or THE " SPEOFATOR."] SIR,—Reading a letter
on the above in your issue of June 5th recalls to my memory that when serving in H.M.S. ` Zebra' off the coast of Angola in '62 or '63, I witnessed an attack of a thresher and. what I presumed to be a sawfish upon a whale, which they were driving into shoal water. At varying intervals the whale's back would rise above the surface, caused, we pre- sumed, by an attack of the sawfish from below. Directly the back rose from the surface down with great force came the tail of the thresher upon it. The attack took place about one and a half miles inshore of us. We were about five miles from the coast at the time, and the water was smooth. The end of the attack was not reached before we were out of sight.—I am, Sir, Le., _ R. JUKES HUGHES, Commander, R.N. (retired list). Whicl4tita, near Newton Abbot.