ABBEY. the Appeal of the .. .. 7 Action Should Be Met by Action .. 229-294 lison and Summer Time .. .. 529 Adriatic, Italy in the .. .. 72 Alpine Climbing in 1920 . .. 493 America, her `York of Relief and Recon-
struction in Europe.. .. 461 — Blacks and Whites in 693 — and tho League of Nations 694 — Ourselves, and the Association of Nations.. 730 — and Naval Competition......705 American President, the New .. 590 Folk-Sony, the ..
Anderson, Mr. Torn, Children,rin and 45 d Bolshevism 8296
Anglo-Japanese Alliance, the .. 58 Antarctic Whale, the Passing of the .. .. 202 Appleton. Mr. W. A., the Attacks on .. 425 — on Trade Unionists and Polities .. 696 Arabs of Mesopotamia, Some Reminiscences of the .. 697 Asquith. Mr., and the Murders and Reprisals in Ireland 488-525-692
BALLOTS, " Faked " Strike .. .. 232
Be My Brother or I'll Kill You .. 731 Bevin, Mr., his Predicament .. 394 Bolsheviks. the Only Way to Peace with the.. 196 Bolshevism at Home and Abroad .. 164 — Children and .. 290 — British, on the Run 695 Dorn to Rule .. .. 297 Boy Scout, the 169 Bradwell just a Mare • • Bureaucracy and salaries Butler, Dr. Nicholas. on the League of Nations 730
CANADA and the Privy Council 807 Capital and Labour, the Great Oppor- tunity for . . 69f.
Carson, Sir E., on the Home Rule Bill .. 660 Cecil, Lord Hugh. on the Tolerance of Murder 588 Cenotaph, The .. 608 Cheap Travel .. . .. 170 Chesterton. Mr., on the Modern Novel.. .. 732 Child, the, and the Toy 769 Christianity. the Controversies about (" Parallel Lines") .. .. 428 Christmas Peace. the .. .. 764 — Family Parties at . .. 844
Cinema, What is Wrong with the .. 592
Civil Servant, the 561 Civil Service. Bureaucracy and the 458 — — the, and the Index Figure. 766
Coal Miners, the New Demands of the .30-230
— the, and Orders from Moscow .. .. 262 — Crisis, Realities In the . 324 — Miners, the Negotiations with the 325 — Crisis, the: Before Action 357 — Crisis, the : What Must We Do ? .. 357 — Miners. the Only Way to Deal with the .. 359 — Strike, the Threatened ......892 — - Miners' Vote. the 490 -- Strike, the .. .. 524 Conspiracies and Common Sense .. 728 — Publicity the True Remedy for 729 Cork, Lord Mayor of. the Hunger-Strike of the 826 — — the Death of the, in Brixton Prison .. 557 Cricket Season, the Close of the .. 298 Cromer. Lord, on the Way to Rule .. 297
DAILY HERALD," Russian Money and
Dthe 231-292-293-357-394-425 Dalmatia. Italy and 72 Debts of the Spirit, the 396 Direct Action, the Labour Party and.. 228-229- 356-559-560 — — How to Meet the Menace of .. 294.295 — — Revolution by Minority 324 Dog River. the .. .. 137 " 'VARTHBOUND "; or. What is Wrong 111 with the Cinema .. Education and Progress .. Egypt. the Future of .. Eleventh Hour. the .. .„ Emergency Powers Bill, the ..
Executive, the Power of Executive, Strengthening the . Expectancy, the Sense of ("On the *Eve ").. Expenditure. Cutting Down —
— Public. Captain Frederick Guest on .. - Rationing the Remedy for Excessive .. —• Beginning at the Wrong End .. 592 265 260 200 559 328 559 691 5 624 624 805
FAILURE to Frighten. the (" Threats") 460
Falling Out of It .. 733 Family Parties at Christmas _ 844 FINANCE—PUBLIC AND PRIVATE:- — Argentine Railway Year, the .. .. 562 — Banking Resources after the War .. 430-462 — Bolshevism and Finance .. 170 — Brussels Conference, the, and Europe's Needs.. 330 — Brussels Conference, the Work of the .. 494 — Coal Strike, the City and the .. .. 530
— Coal Strike, After the .. • • 593
— Economy Campaign, the . 770 — Federation of British Industries, the Report of the 42 — Industrial Prosperity and Rising Wages .. 10 — Investor's Opportunity, the (?) .. 299 — Labour, the Menace of .. 361 — Life Assurance and Investment .. 74 — Output, the Question of 234 — Politics and Prices .. 138 — Pressing Problem, a—Cheap or Dear Money 203 — Prices, the Coming Fall in ? 397 — ltaihvay Fares, Higher, Significance of .. 107 — Rake's Progress—a Check (?) — Reaction in Trade, the 698 — Should Capital " Strike" ? .. 267 — Stock Exchange, Conditions on the 562-732 — Trade and Markets .. .. 628 — War's Aftermath .. 846 Folk-Song, the American France and Great Britain French President, the New, and the atitutlon French, Lord, his Speech at Belfast Fry, Miss, on Penal Reform ..
" etKORDIE PITMAN" .. 361 1.11 Government, the, and the Sinn Feiners 4-5 Government, the, their Way of Doing Business 71 Oraham, Mr. Stephen, on the Negro Problem.. 693 Greeks, the Fickle Grey of Fallodon, Lord, on the British Institute of National Affairs. 3
— — his Scheme to Settle the Irish *Problem 456 HABIT, the New, of Half the World ,. 683 History, Footnotes to .. 135 Home Rule Bill, the—Last Phase 457
— — the, and the Doctrine of Murder .. 660 Household Things, the Exhibition of, at Whitechapel 529 Houssain, Mr. Syud. and Colonel James .. 39 Humphrey. Mrs. Elizabeth, the Scrap-book of ("Footnotes to History ") 135
I3IPERA NTE TIBER] 0 8 1 Imperial War Relief Fund, the Work of the .. 427
Incentives. Spurs and 73 Index Figure. the 458-766 Industrial Civil War ? .. 524 International Affairs, the British Institute of.. 37 Ireland, What We Should Do in .. 5 — Anarchy in 100 — the Condition of .. 198 — Home Rule and the Doctrine of Murder.. 660 — the Nemesis of Murder .. 092-804 — See also under " Sinn Fein" Irish Problem, the .. 293-488 — — Three Features of the .. 525 — Peace Negotiations, the .. 764 — Imbroglio, the Roman Church and the .. 841 Irish Theological Quarterly. the, and the Irish Murders .. 660-730 Italy Our Friend .. .. 70 — in the Adriatic .. 72 Italian Travel, 1660 40
JAMBOREE, the, at Olympia 169 Japan, the Question of the Alliance with 38 Japan and Naval Competition 765 Jews and the World's Unrest ......489 Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, the.
as a Link of Empire 807 Jutland, the Battle of, and Naval Doctrine .. 626 — Dispatches, the • • • • • • .. 842 ITERR. Lord Walter, his Letter to Cardinal 1 Mercier 841 " Killing No Murder " and Political In- vective 105-166 .. 845
.. 101 Con-
.. 395 .. 4 .. 426
LABOUR and Peace with Russia 196-228-229 Labour and Capital, the Great Oppor- tunity for 695 Labour Party, the, and Direct Action 228-229-356
— Plot, an Extremist .. 36 Lambeth Conference, the Languages. the Gift of (" A Double Tongue") 360 Lankester. Sir E. Ray, on Progress .. 265 Lansbury, Mr.—Will He Clear His Character ? 292 Lawrence. Colonel, on the Mesopotamian Imbroglio .. 132 League of Nations, the Troubles of the .. 694 Lebanon, the (" The Dog River ") 137 Leisure, Sleep, and the Time Escape 627 Libel, Free, the Right of. • • • 89 • • Library, Private, the End of the .. 696 Lincoln, Abraham, the Unveiling of the Statue of.. . 167-158 Literary Glove-Fight, a — .. 732 Lithuania—see under " Poland."
Living, the Cost of, and the Index Figure .. 766 Lloyd George, Mr.. as Dialectician .. 135 — — and the Negotiations with the Miners.. 325 — — and Iris Speech at Carnarvon on Ireland 488
McCORMICK. Sir William, and the Organ- ization of Research .. 429 McKenna. Mr., on the Limits of Taxation .. 7 Macready, General, his American Interview .. 424
Mannix, Archbishop .. .. 134 Memorials—Pleasant and Unpleasant .. .. 105 Mesopotamia, Arabs of. Some Reminiscences of the. . — 697 Mesopotamian Imbroglio, the 132-200 Millerand. 31.. and the French Constitution .. 395 Miners Again, the
30 — the Negotiations with the 2325 — the Only Way to Deal with. the 359
— the Threatened Strike of .. .. 393 — the Vote of the 490 — Industrial Civil War .. .. 524 — See also under " Coal."
Ministers and their Salaries 625 Montagu Mr. ..68 — — Why the House of Commons Should Demand the Resignation of .. .. 68 Moscow, Orders from .. 262 — Plot against the Workers, Another .. 425 Municipal Elections, the Labour Failure in the 589 Munitions, the Mioistry of, and Colonel Spurrier 71 Murder and Politics _ 588 — the Doctrine of, Home Rule and .. 660-730 — the Nemesis of 692-804
•NATION," the Attack of the, on Non- conformists .. 732
Naval Doctrine .. 620 — Skin Game, the 765 Northumberland, the Duke of, his Charges against Mr. Smillie 197-292 "Not Out "— 298 Novel, Modern, Mr. Chesterton and Mr.
Walpole on the
OLYMPIA. the Scouts' Jamboree at .. 160 On the Eve .. 591 Oriental Empire, Our . ,,,, 260 Owl, the Tawny..........235 PANKHURST, Miss Sylvia, her Letter to 1 Lenin Parallel Lines. 428 Parliamentary Privilege and the Right of
" Peace and Friendship Perpetual" .. Peace, the Only Way to •
Penal Reform .. . • o. Photograph, Falling in Love with a .. Pickford, Mary, the Ovation to Pin-Money
Pisa de Terre in Ypres — In Berlin a Century Ago .. Plough, the Policy of the ..
— the Mind behind the •• •. Poland. Russia, and the Allies — — and Ourselves
— Lithuania. and the League .. — Russia, and Lithuania „. — and Russia Polish Adventure, the of the Policewoman, the, of the Future .. Politics and Murder Political Invective, the Lost Art of .. Pope as a Prophet .. 167 .. 196 .. 426 .. 40 .. 40 .. 560 .. 264 .. 664 .. 165 768 133-164 .. 261 .. 327 .. 491 .. 526 .. 102 .. 329 .. 588 .. 165 .. 628 Portuguese Cocoa Islands, the Revival of Slavery in the ..........359 Pretence, the Nemesis of . .. 804
— the Liberal andm Labour Leaders and .. 805 Prince of Wales, the707 Privy Council, Canada and the.. .. 807 and Education ........260 Propaganda, Insidious. .. 103 Proportional Representation, the Spread of .. 199 Publicity, Some Problems of ......893
LWAY Rates and Fares : Home andAI R.Foreign. .. 397
Reconstruction and *Socil.Service. 492
Referendum, the Unionist Party and the .. 840 Repington, Colonel, the Diary of .. 393-424 Research, the Organization of . 429
Reunion and the Lambeth Conference .. 263
Revolution by Minority .. 324 — and Publicity. .. 558
Riot and Tumult, the Soldier's *Duty in .. 556 Risks, the Willingness to Take (" Threats ") — 460 Roman Church, the, and the Crimes of Sinn
Fein .. 589
— — the, and the Irish Imbroglio .. 841 Root, Mr., his Speech on Abraham Lincoln.. Russia, the Allies, and Poland 1.-164
— the Only Way to Peace with .. 196 — Poland, and IDurselves201
— the Reason for the Terror in 459
— Poland, and Lithuania .. .. 491 — the Right Attitude towards......681
SECRETARY of State, the Dream of the .. 8 Secret Histories, the Public Desire for
(" The Temptation of the Truth ") 286 Signs and Portents .. 529 Sinn Fein, the Murders of 588-660-692-730 — — the Roman Church and the Crimes of.. 589 — — See also under " Ireland."
Sinn Feiners, the Government and the 4-729 — — What Should We Do ? 5-100 Slavery, the Recrudescence of. . _ 359 Smillie. Mr., and the Miners' New Demands 38-230- 262 — — the Duke of Northumberland and 197-292 — — Will He Clear His Character ? . .. 292 Smoking by Women : the New Habit .. 663 Smyth, Colonel, the Murder of 100 Social Circle. Falling Out of the .. 733
— Service.. .. 492 Soldier, the Duty of the, in Tumult and Riot.. 556 Spanish. the Study of .. 106 Spirit, the Debts of the.. 890 Spurrier, Colonel, and the MinisCry. of Munitions 71 Spurs and Incentives.. 73 Still-Room Maids, the, and the Biscuit.. 624
Strike Ballots, " Faked " 232 Suicide and the Abetting of .. 326 — Abetting, Aiding, and Inciting .. 657
Summer Time, the End of.. 529 Sumner. Lord, on the Perils of *Enemy Propa- ganda Syria, the French •Troubles in .. 101 rrALR.the Nemesis of .. 424
Terror, the Reason for the .. .. 459 Tawny Owl, the.. .. .. 232 Terrorist, the Soul of the.. . .. 527 Theological Dogmatists and the 'Layman
(" Parallel Lines ") 428 Threats —460 Tillotson. Archbishop--a Study inHistorical.. Parallels 9
Time Escape, the .. 627 Tongue, a Double.. .. 360 Toy, the Child and tho 769
Travel, Cheap.. .. .. 170 Trevelyan, Mr., on the Case for Italy .. 70
Truth, the Temptation of the .. 266
VUNEMPLOYMENT. the Problem of .. 843 Unionist Party, the .. 840 ILLAGE Life, the Dullness of — 768 Village Signs, the Daily Mail Exhibition .. 529 WALPOLE, Mr. Hugh, on the Modem Novel .. Westminster Abbey, the Appeal of .. Whale, Antarctic, the Passing of the ..
Women Wage-Earners and Pin-Money.. — and Smoking • the New Habit Worker, the Steady, and the Worker under Pressure (" The Eleventh Hour ") World Problems, the Study of World's Unrest, the
YTHANCESTIR, Chapel of, the Re- dedication of the (" Bradwell juxta 201
Alchemy (Crosbie Garstin) Arabesque (Lord David Cecil) ..
Bee Sings, the (Richard Church) Cistercians (J. M. F.). .. Depot (B.) Fairy Shoemaker, the (J. Cuthbert Scott) Flower, an Autumn (Richard Church)..
Gipsy-Night (Richard Hughes).. 368 Greek Anthology, from the (C. T. Campion) 499-669 Hollow Land, the (F. W. Harvey) Incubus (Robert Graves).. Jemshid in Exile (A. Hugh Fisher) " Like Thee " (Albert F. S. Rowe) .. Love. an Essay in Rhythm (Mrs. Eunice Tletjens) . • • - • • •
Love in the Spring .(Charles John Rivers)
Moon, the (F. W. Harvey) " Normandy Pippin " (Eden Phlllpotts) Nous Whom plus au Bois (J.) Paschal (in Time of Wrong and Unrest) (Fred.
G. Penney) .. 732 7 202 560 663 200 37 489
• •
• • • • • • • • • • • •
434 703 80 853 566 814 853 304 336 47 597 738 177 200 467 534 274 Pavement Artist, the (Herbert Asquith) 230 Polonina, the New (D.) 634 Prayers (F. W. Harvey) Summer (Richard Church) .. 804 Thistledown (Harold Monro) .. 113
Up I Sinn Fein I (R. N. Tinkler) 775
Vagabond, the Singing (J. J. Adams).. .. 144 Watchers of the Coast (Captain J. H. Knight- Adkln) Weaving, the (Harold Lewis-Cook) 634 ART.
Children's Drawings at the Knightsbridge
Gallery .. .. 775 Spanish Exhibition at Burlington House—
Goya Triumphans 598 THE THEATRE.
Beggar's Opera, the : 100th Performance .. 304 Columbine at the Kennington .. 535 Draper, Miss Ruth : her Entertainment at the Aeolian Hall .. 739 Great Lover, the, at the Shaftesbury 536 Karsavina, Madame, at the Coliseum .. 670 Knight of the Burning Pestle, the, at the Kings- way Theatre .. .. 778 London's Grand Guignol at the Little Theatre .. 402-670 Macbeth at the Aldwych Theatre .. 634 Madame Sand : a Biographical Comedy 17 Maskelyne's " Theatre of Mysteries " 47 Midsummer Night's Dream, a, at the Court 814 Phoenix. the : a Forecast of some of their coming productions.. 566 — the, and Otway's Venice Prearre'd .. 634-738 Prude's Fall, the, at Wyndham's 434 Right to Strike, the, at the Garrick .. .. 500 Romantic Age, the, at the Comedy Theatre .. 566 Romantic Young Lady, the, at the Royalty .. 467 Romeo and Juliet at the Everyman Theatre, Hampstead .. 703 " Ruined' Lady, the, at the Comedy Theatre 81
Swedish Ballet, the, at the Palace Theatre .. 853 Scone PLAYS WORTH SEEING: 3.7-48-31- 145-
178-209-239-274-336-366-434-468-500-568- 635- 670-7 03-815-854 BOOKS—Authors.
ADAMS, Joseph Quincy—Shakespearean
Playhouses .. 437 Alexander, S.—Space. Time, and Deity .. 243
Anson, Major-General Sir Archibald E. H.—
About Others and Myself .. 242 Ashford, Angela—Daisy Ashford and The Jealous Governes 60 Askwith, Lord—Industrial Problems and Disputes . 816
BABBITT, Irving—Rousseau and Romanti-
Baanold. Enid—The Happy Foreigner .. .. 278 Balfour. Rt. Hon. A. J.—Essays Speculative and Political 850 Barbellion, W. N. P.—A Last Diary .. 781
Baruch, Bernard 3L —The Making of the Repara- tion and Economic Sections of the Treaty .. 778 Beerbohm, Mr. Max, Memories Collected by—
Herbert Beerbohm Tree .. 569 Bell, Walter George—The Great Fire of London in 1666 . .. 403 Belloc, H.—Europe and the Faith 858 Bennett. Arnold—From the Log of the ' Vasa' 52 — — Our Women .. .. 535 Birrell, Angustine—Frederlek Locker-Lampson 82 Blucher, Evelyn Princess—An English Wife in
Berlin 84 Bat, Alan—Eastern Nights and Flights .. 279 Browne, Edward 0.—A History of Persian
Literature under Tartar Dominion .. 337 Buchan, John—Francis and Riversdald Grenfell 635 Budge. Sir E. A. Wallis—An Egyptian Hierogly- phic Dictionary 180 Burns, C. Delisle—The Principles of Revolution 436 ALLWELL, Major-General Sir O. E.— C
Experiences of a Dug-Out, 1914-1918 .. 776 Callwell, Major-General Sir C. E.—The Life
of Sir Stanley Maude 209 Carter, Tinnily, ed. by—Spiritualism 570 Chirol, Sir Valentine—The Egyptian Problem .. 275 Cole, G. D. H.—Guild Socialism Re-stated .. 741 Collis, Dr. Edgar L.—The Industrial Clinic .. 149 Cowley, A. E.—The Hittites .. 538 \ALTON. John Neale, compiled, &c., by- 1./ The Book of Common Prayer 113 Daniels, G. W.—The Early English Cotton Industry 211 Demolins, Edmond—Anglo-Saxon Superiority.. 857 Doren, Mark Van—The Poetry of John Dryden 739
-L-131310 TT. Lord—Nationalization of Indus-
tries : a Criticism 338 Evans, Lady—Lustre Pottery .. 638
FAYLE, C. Ernest—Seaborne Trade .. 707 Field, G. C.—Guild Socialism .. .. 741 Fortescue, Captain Sir Seymour—Looking Back 150
— J. W.—History of the British Army .. 639
GLYN. Elinor—Philosophy of Love .. 535 Gooch, G. P.—Life of Lord Courtney .. 17 Gooch, G. P.—Nationalism 670 Gorky. Maxim—Reminiscences of Leo Nicolaye-
vitch Tolstoi .. .. 212 Graham, Edward—The Harrow Life of Henry Montagu Butler .. 601 — Stephen—Children of the Slaves .. 693-703
Graves, O. L.—Q. Horati Flacci Carminum Librum Quintum.. 740 Green, F. E.—A History of the English Agricul-
tural Labourer 368 Grenfell. Wilfrid Thomas—A Labrador Doctor 307 Greenwood, Arthur—Public Ownership of the Liquor Trade .. 600 Gretton, M. Sturge—Burford Past and Present 20 Grierson, Sir G. A., ed., &c., by—Linguistic Survey of India 18
HAMILTON, Lord Ernest—The Irish Rebellion of 1641 305 Hamilton, Lord Frederio—The Days before
Yesterday— 537 Harris, John H.—The Chartered Millions .. 503 Headlam, Dr. Arthur 0.—The Doctrine of the Church and Chrtitials Reunion .. 779 Hildesley, Alfred—The Case of Requisition 706 Hogarth, D. 0.—Hittite Seals 536 Hunter, Dr. William—The Serbian Epidemics of Typhus and Relapsing Fever in 1915 274 TELLICOE, Admiral Lord—The Crisis of the et) Naval War.. . 145
Jones, J. Harry—Social Economies 276 KAUTSKY, Karl—The Guilt of William Hohenzollern . . .. 210 Kekewich, Sir George—The Education Depart- ment and After _ 470 Kipling, Rudyard—Q. Herat! Place' Carminum
Librum Quintum .. 740
LAWSON, J. C.—Tales of 2Egean Intrigue .. 637 Lockey, Joseph Byrne—Pan-Ameri- canism : its Beginnings 471 MCCANN, Alfred W.—The Science of Eating 780 McDougall, William—The Group Mind 214 Matlock, W. H.—Memoirs of Life and Literature 470
Milne, A. A.—If I May 861 Montgomery, Major-General Sir Archibald—The Story of the Fourth Army in the Battles of the Hundred Days. 213
More, Paul Elmer—With. the Wits. 113 Morgan, W. T.—English Political Parties and Leaders during the Reign of Queen Anne .. 340 Murray, Robert. H.—Erasmus and Luther — 241 — Sir Archibald—Despatches (June, 1918—
June. 1917) 567
✓ EWTON. A. Edward—The Amenities of IA Book-Collecting.. 438 Norwood, Gilbert--Greek'Tragedy 568 oRAHILLY, Alfred—Some Theology About
Tyranny .. 633
PAIN, Barry—Marge AskLaforit — 813 Paterson. Marcus. 31.13.—The Shibbo- leths of Tuberculosis — 817 Peel, the Hon. George, ed. by—The Private Letters of Sir Robert Peel. .. 507 Pitt-Rivers George—The World. Signiicance of
the Russian Revolution .. 463 Pollard, A. F.—The Evolution of Parliament .. 742
RQUILLER-COUCH, Sir Arthur—The Art of Reading .. 472 AELIJR', Harold—Mountaineering Art .. 819 Raven, C. E.--Chrlstian Socialism. 1848- 1854
Raymond, E. T.—Mr. Balfour .. 850 Repington, Colonel—The First World War, 1914-1918 393-434 Richardson, Lieut.-Colonel E. H.—British War Dogs .. 860 Ritchie, Gerald, compiled, &c., by—The Ritchies in India .. 671 Russell, Bertrand—The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism 705 — Frances Theresa—Satire in the Victorian
SAINTSBTJRY, George—Notes on a Cellar- Book .. _ 114 Scott. Dr. J. W.—Karl Marx on Value .. 173 Scott. Leslie, M.P.—The Case of Requisition .. 700 Seeger, C. L., ed.. &c., by—The Memoirs of Alex-
ander Iswolsky Sims, Rear-Admiral William Sowcien—The Victory at Sea 815 Smith. Logan Pearsall—Little Essays Drawn from the Writings of George Santayana — 233 Snowden. Mrs. Philip—Through Bolshevik Russia .. . 339 Soddy, Frederick—Science and 84 Squire. 3. C.—Life and Letters 855 Stoddard. Lothrop--The Rising Tide of Color against White World-Supremacy .. 336-367
Swift, Jonathan—The Tale of a Tub .. 81 IIIEMPERLEY, ed. by H. W. V.—A History
▪ of the Peace Conference of Paris .. 403 Thomas, Rt. Hon. J. H.—When Labour Rules.. 602 Tout, T. F.—Chapters in the Administrative History of Mediaeval England — — 277 Trevelyan, Janet Penrose—A Short History of the Italian People .. 180 Tumor, Christopher—Land Settlement for Ex- Service Men in the Oversee Dominions .. 805
WVARRI ER- ON ES, P. C.—Colonies for Consumptives .. 859 ARREN. H. 1:.—The Foundations of Classic Krehltecture 673 Warner, P. F., and Others—Cricket 19 Watkins, Oscar D.—A History of Penance .. 181 Webb, Clement C. J.—Divine Personality and
Human Life 51 — Sidney and Beatrice—A Constitution for the Socialist Commonwealth of Great Britain 240 Wells, II. 0.—Russia in the Shadows — .. 854 West, Sir Algernon—Contemporary Portraits .. 502 Williams, Orlo—The Good Englishwoman .. 535 Williamson, Dr. G. C.—George, Third Earl of Cumberland (1556-1605) .. 115 Wood, Eric Fisher—Leonard Wood .. 43 Woodhead, Sir German—Colonies for Consump-
tives . • .. 850 Woolley. 0. Leonard—Dead Towns and Living
Men.. .. 179 Wright, Thomas—The Romance of the Lace Pillow .. . • .. 148 YOUNG, E. Hilton—By Sea and Land .. 279
7 ERVOS, Dr. S. G.—Rhodes. Capitals du
Dodecantse 370 BOO KS—Su bJeots.
JEGEAN Intrigue, Tales of—J. Cl. Lawson 637 Aerial Transport—G. Holt Thomas .. 407 Aerodynamics, Applied—G. P. Thomson .. 407 Agricultural Labourer (English), a History of
the—F. E. Green. 308 Alps, a Q hild of the—Margaret Symonds 808 Amenembet, the Tomb of—Copied, &c., by Nina de GaAs Davies .. 147 Americans, Average—Lieut.-Colonel Theodore
Roosevelt .. 49 Anglo-Saxon Superiority—Edmond Demolins— 857 Anson. Major-General Sir Archibald E. H.— Murray (pub.) — .. 242 Architecture, Classic, the Foundations of—
H. L. Warren .. 073 Army (British), History of the—I. W. Fortescue 639 Army Quarterly, the—Clowes (pub.) .. 500 Ashford, Daisy—Angela Ashford .. 50
Asquith, Margot, the Autobiography of—
Butterworth (pub.) — — 598 Austrian Red Book : Parts IL-M.—Allen and Unwin (pub.) .. .. 369
BACII. Johann Sebastian—Trans. by Charles Sanford Terry .. . 819 Bairnsfather Case. the—Bruce Baimsfather and W. A. Hutch 818
Balfour. Mr.—E. T. Raymond .. 856 Bengali Press, a Hundred Years of the—P. N. Bose and H. W. B. Moreno .. 52 Bliss, Daniel. Reminiscences of—Ed., &c.. by
his Eldest Son _ 674 Bolshevism, the Practice and Theory of—
Bertrand Russell — .. 705 Bolshevik Russia, Through—Mrs. Philip
Snowden..339 Book-Collecting, the Amenities of—A. Edward Newton 438 Border Battalion, a (K.O.S.B.)--Foulis (pub.) 49 Botany, Outlines of the History of—It. J. Harvey-Gibson .. 117 Burford Past and Present—M. Sturge Oretton 20 Butler, Henry Montagu, the Harrow Life of—
Edward Graham .. 601 CiANADIANS, the, in France—Captain / Harwood Steele _ 49 Cellar-Book, Notes on a—George Saintsbury .. 114 Chartered Millions, the—john H. Harris .. 503 Chicago Race Riots—Carl Sandburg 61 Child Psychology—Margaret Drummond . 603 — Welfare Movement, the—Dr. Janet Lane- Clayton _ 86 Children of the Slaves—Stephen Graham 693-703 Christian Socialism, 1848-1854—C. E. Raven.. 405 Church, the Doctrine of the, and Christian
Reunion—Dr. Arthur 0. Headlam .. 779 Clinic, the Industrial—Ed. by Dr. Edgar L.
Collis .. 149 Cclor, the Rising Tide of, against White World- Supremaey—Lothrop Stoddard .. 336-367 Consumptive, Industrial Colonies and Village Settlements for the—Sir German Woodhead, &c.. 850
Cotton Industry, "the Early
Daniels _ . _ .. 211 Courtney, Lord, Life of—G. P. Gooch.. .. 17 Cricket—P. F. Warner and Others .. .. 19 — BatsmanshipC. B. Fry .. . , .. 214 Cumberland. George, Third Earl of (1558-1605) —Dr. G. C. Williamson .. .. 115
DAY Continuation School at Work, a— Ed. by W. J. Wray, &c... 404 Days before Yesterday, the—Lord 'Frederic Hamilton... — 537 Dead Towns and Living Men-0. 'Leonard
Woolley . 179 De Keyser's Royal Hotel, a Petition of Right of —Leslie Scott, M.P. .. 700 Diary, a Last—W. N. P. Barbellion 781 Divine Personality and Human Life : Gifford Lectures—Clement C. J. Webb. 51 Dogs, British War—Lieut.-Colonel 'E. IL Richardson_ .. 860 Dooley. Mr., on Making a Will—Heinemann (pub.) 146 Downing Street, the Mirrors of—Mills and Boon (pub.) .. — 598-640 Dryden. John, the Poetry of—Mark Van Doren 739 Dug-Out, Experiences of a, 1914-1918—Major- General Sir C. E. Callwell 770 T1, ARTH and Sea, Secrets of—Sir Ray
.1.11 Lankester . * 861
Eastern Nights and Flights—" Contact " 279 Eating, the Science of—Alfred W. McCann .. 7$0 Leonotnics, Social—I. Harry Jones .. 276 Education, the Joy of—William Platt .. 404 — Department, the, and After—Sir George
Kekewich 470 Egypt Exploration Fund, the Work of the—
Egypt Exploration Society .. 147 Egyptian Archaeology, the Journal of—Egypt Exploration Society .. 147 — Hieroglyphic Dictionary, an—Sir E. A. Walls Budge, . . 180 — Problem, the—Sir Valentine Clairol — 276 England. Mediaeval, Chapters in the Adminis- trative History of—T. F. Tout .. 277 English Homes : Period IV.—II. Avray Typing .. 603 Englishwoman, the Good—Orlo Williams .. 535 Erasmus and Luther—Robert H. Murray .. 241 Essays, Little—Drawn from George Santayana 239 Speculative and Political—Rt. Hon. A. J.
Balfour 856 Europe and the Faith—H. Belloe 858 Ex-Service Men, Land Settlement for, in the Oversee Dominions—Christopher Tumor .. 806
FAITH, Europe and the—H. Belloe _.• 858 Feminism and Sex Extinction—Dr. Arabella Kenealy
Fire of London, the Great, in 1600-Walter George Bell .. 403 Flora, the Cambridge British—C. E. Moss .. 215
Foreigner, the Happy—Enid Bagnold .. 278 Fourth Army, the Story of the, in the Battles of -the Hundred Days—Major-General Sir
Archibald Montgomery 213 French Revolution. Germany and the—G. P.
GAMBETTA—Paul Deschanel .. 244 Germany and the French Revolution— G. P. Gooch _ 638 Girls' Clubs—Helen Ferris 404 Gold Coast Regiment, the—Sir Hugh Clifford.. 588
Governes, the Jealous—Angela Ashford .. 50 Greek Tragedy—Gilbert Norwood ....568
Grenfell. Francis and Rivarsdale—John Buchan 035 Grenadier Guards in the Great War of 1914- 1918—Lieut-Colons3Sir Frederick Ponsonby 49
Guild Socialism—G. . Field 741 — — Re-stated—G. . H. Cole .. .. 741
HITTITES. the—A. E. Cowley .. 536
Hittite Seals—D. G. Hogarth 536 Hohenzollern, William. the Guilt of—Karl Kautaky .. • • 210 Holbrooke, Josef, and his Work—George Lowe 819 Homes, English—H. A. Tipping . 603 Horace Odes Book Five—Rudyard Kipling and C. L. Graves .. .. 740 Hussars, the 10th Royal, and the Essex Yeomanry during the European War—Lieut.- Colonel F. H. D. C. Whitmore.. .. .. 49
IF I May—A. A. 861 India, Linguistic Survey of—Ed., &c., by Sir G. A. Grierson 18 Industries, Nationalization of : a Criticism—
Lord Emmott. .. 338 Industrial Clinic, 'the—Ed. by Dr. Edgar L. Collis . .. 149 — Problems and Disputes—Lord Askwith 816 Irish Rebellion of 1641, the—Lord Ernest Hamilton _ .. 305 — Theological Quarterly, the—Gill and Sons, Dublin (pub.) _ 636 Iswolsky, Alexander, the Memoirs of—Ed., &c., by C. L. Seeger .. 501 Italian People, a Short History of the—Janet Penrose Trevelyan 180
JAPAN. the Harvest of—C. Bogue Luff mann 570 Jews and the Clause of World Unr est- Grant Richards (pub.) .. .. 489-603 LKASHMIR, Ancient, a Mystic Poetess of— Ed.. &c.. by Sir George Grierson, &c. .. 818 ABOUR: When it Rules—Rt. Hon. I. H. Thomas .. 602 Labourer, the English Agricultural, a History
of—F. E. Green 368 Labrador Doctor, a (Dr. Grenfell)—Hodder Lace Pillow, the Romance of the—Thomas
(pub.) ..
Wright • • &c.. by Sir George Grierson, &c. . 818 Land Settlement for Ex-Service Men in the Overseas Dominions—Christopher Tumor .. 306 Life and Letters-I. C. Squire
85 — My, and Other Stories—Anton Tchehov 1505
— the Ways of—Stephen Ward . 673 Linguistic Survey of India—Ed., &o., by
Sir G. A. Grierson. . 18 Liquor Trade, Public 'Ownership of the—
Arthur Greenwood .. . 600 Locker-Lampson, Frederick—Augustine Birrell 82 Looking Back—Captain Sir Seymour Fortescue 150 Love. a Lost—Ashford Owen .. .. 21 Lustre Pottery—Lady Evans 638
NIALLOCK, Mr., his Memoirs of Life and Literature—Chapman & Hall (pub.) .. 470 Marge Askinforit—Barry Pain • • • • • 818 Marie-Claire, l'Atelier de—Marguerite Audoux 708
Marx, Karl, on Value—Dr. J. W. Scott.. .. 178 Maude Sir Stanley. the Life of—Major-General Sir b. E. Callwell
Mediaeval England Chapters t. ra in' the Idminis-- 2°9 trative History ot—T. F. Tout .. . 277 Mental Tests in t e American Army—C. S.
Yoakum and R. M. Yerkes 073 Herder, Cardinal : His Own Story—Hodder 146 Mind and Work—Charles S. Myers .. 673 — the Group--William McDougall _ .. 214
Moses the Founder of Preventive Medicine—
Percival Wood — 21 Mountaineering Art—Harold Raeburn.. .. 819 Murray, Sir Archibald : his Despatches (June, 1916—June, 1917)—Dent (pub.) .. 587
NATIONALISM—G. P. Gooch — .. 670 Nationalization of Industries : a Criticism —Lord Emmott.. — 338 Naval War, the Crisis of the—Admiral Lord
Jellicoe . .. 145 Novel, Victorian. Satire in the—Frances Theresa Russell .. 83 Novels, Stories, Tales, &e.
Autumn Crocuses—Anne Douglas Sedgwick 571 — Back to Life—Sir Philip Gibbs .743 — Beauty and Bands—Ellen Thorneycroft Fowler .. 182 — Becky and Co.—Margaret Bodine Saunders 118 — Bled; Knight, the—Mrs. Alfred Sidgwick and Orosbie Garstin 861 — Brodie and the Deep Sea—I. A. R. Wylie.. 58 — Builders, the—Ellen Glasgow 86 — Caliban—W. L. George 671 — Captives, the—Hugh Walpole 473 — Development—W. Bryher 781 — Diamonds—F. E. Penny .. .. 505 148 Novels, Stories, Tales, ay.:— — Fool in her Folly, a—Rhoda Broughton .. 408 — Foolish Lovers, the—St. John G. Ervin .. 22 — Green Apple Harvest—Sheila Kaye-Smith.. 004 — Headland, the—Mrs. 0. A. Dawson-Scott.. 641 — In Chancery—John Gaisworthy .. 820 — Innisheeny—George A. Birmingham .. 674 — Lady Lllith—Stephen McKenna .. 675 — Linda Condon—Joseph Hergesheimer .. 371 — Little Soul. the—Elinor Mordaunt .. 183 — Marie-Claire, l'Atelierde—lidarguerite Audoux 703 — Miser's Money—Eden Phillpotts .. 215 — Open the Door!—Catherine Carswell .. 151 — Penny Plain-0. Douglas.. 842 — People of the Ruins, the—Edward Shanks.. 708 — Peregrine in Love—C. Fox Smith 309 — Rescue. the—Joseph Conrad — Revels of Orsera. the—Ronald Bois.
• 222)
— Ring Up the Curtain—J. C. Nevlll .. 439 — Romantic, the—May Sinclair .. 841
— Side Issues—Jeffery E. Jeffery • • • • 86
— Sir Harry—Archibald Marshall g44 — Solvent, the—D. Goldring and H. Nepean 781 — Spring Shall Plant—Beatrice Hamadan .. 539 — Stranger, the—Arthur Bullard .. 820 — Summons, the—A. E W Mason .. 539 — Tragic Bride. the—F. Brett-Young 504 — Verena in the Midst—E. V. Lucas.. .. 439 — Waifs and Strays--0. Henry .. .. 150 — White Hen, the—Phyllis Campbell 309 — Whitewash—Horace Annesley Vachell .. 118
READABLE NOVELS : 22-53-86-118-151-216-
244-280-342-372-474-539-571-604-641-675- 709-744-781-820-801 (APAL Whiteley, the Diary of—Putnams N.._1 (pub.) • • 504
PAN-AMERICANISM: its Beginnings— Joseph Byrne Locket' 471 Parliament, the Evolution of—A. F. Pollard.. 742 Parliaments of the Empire, Journal of the (October)—Empire Parliamentary Associa-
tion (pub.) .. 672 Peace Conference of Paris, a History of the, Vols. I.-II.—H. W. V. Temperley .. 406 Peel. Sir Robert, the Private Letters of—Ed. by the Hon. George Peel 567 Penance, a History of—Oscar D. Watkins .. 181 Persian Literature, a History of, under Tartar Dominion—Edward C. Browne .. 837 Philosophy of Love—Elinor Glyn .. 535 Playhouse, Shakespearean—J. Quincy Adams 437 Poets, Poetry, and Plays, Works dealing with :- — As the- Wind Blows—Eden Phillpotts .. 86 — Aurelia—Robert Nichols ......2 — Between Cup and Lip—B. H. G. Arkwright 244 — Bluestone—Mrs. .. 280 — Child's Day, a—Walter de la Mare .. 571 — Collar of Gold, the—Bryan Cooper.. .. 841 — Can Grande's Castle—Amy Lowell .. 744 — DanaS and Blind Thamyris—T. Sturge 86 Moore — Daniel Jazz, the—Vachel Lindsay 604 — Dragon, the—Lady Gregory.. .. _ 341 — English (Pure), the Society for, Tract No. 3 —Logan Pearsall Smith _ . 408 — Garden of Bright Waters, the—E. P. Mothers 821 — Gorgeous Poetry, 1911-1920—Philip Allan (pub.). . 641 — Inter 'B. Ramsay — .. 21 — King Leer's Wife—Gordon Bottomley .. 151 — Lindsay. Vachel : a Criticism of his Work by Mrs. Wilkinson .. .. 372 — Madame Sand—Heinemann (pub.) .. ,. 17 — Masks—George Middleton . 279 — Miss Robinson—Elizabeth Raker .. 117 — Moon, the—J. 0. Squire .. 216 — Neighbours—Wilfrid Wilson Gibson .. 505 — Peacock Pie—Walter de la Mare 571 — Plays for a People's Theatre :
Hamilton Fyfe — Poems—Sir Cecil Arthur Spring Rice .. 782 — Poems—Wilfred Owen .. 821 — Poems, 1901-1918—Walter de la More .. 671 — Public School Verse, 1919-1920—Heinemann (pub.). .. _ 709 — Right Royal—John Maseiteld. .. 875
— Spring in New Hampshire—Claude 'McKay 539 — Thomas, Edward : his Collected Poems—
Selwyn & Blount (pub.) _ 539 — Three Hoers, the—Gershom Penfold .. 118 — Touch and Go—D. H. Lawrence .. 279 — Umbra—Ezra Pound — — 53
— Village Sermon, a, and other Poems—
Herbert Asquith 489 — Waggoner, the—Edmund Blunden .. 342 — Wilcox. Ella Wheeler, Poems of—Illus. by Alice Ross .. 183 — Wooden Pegasus, the—Edith Sitwell .. 118
119-152-183-373-505-540-572-642-709-782- 821-862
Political Parties and Leaders (English) during the Reign of Queen Anne—W T. Morgan .. 340 Portraits, Contemporary—Sir Algernon West.. 602 Prayer, the Book of Common—Compiled, &c., by J. Neale Dalton .. 118 Q HORATI FLACCI Carminum Librum Quantum—Rudyard Kipling and C. L Graves .. 740 Queen Anne, English Political Parties and Leaders during the Reign of—W. T. Morgan 340 DACE Riots, the Chicago—Carl Sandburg 51 .1 Reading, the Art of—Sir Arthur Quther-
Couch. 472 Reparation and 'Economic Sections of the Treaty, the Making of the—Bernard M. Baruch 7 Reputations—Douglas Goldring.. 47783 Requisition, the Case of—Leslie Scott, M.P... 706 Revolution, the Principles of-0. Delisle Burns 438 R.F.C. H.Q., 1914.1918—Maurice Baring. 85 Rhodes, Capitale du Dodecanese—Dr. S. G.
Zervos „. 870
Ritehies in India, the—Compiled, &c., by
Gerald Ritchie . — 671 Robey, George : his After Dinner Stories—
Grant Richards (pub.).. _ .. 818 Rousseau and Romanticism—Irving Babbitt.. 538 Russia in the Shadows—H. G. Wells .. 854 — Through Bolshevik—Mrs. Philip Snowden.. 339 Russian Revolution, the World Significance of the—George Pitt-Rivers 468
SAND, Madame : a Comedy—Heinemann (pub.)* . 17 Santayana, George, Little Essays Drawn from the Writings of—Logan Pearsall Smith .. 239 School, a Day Continuation, at Work—Ed. by
W. J. Ray, &c... .. 404 Schools (New) for Old—Evelyn Dewey .. 404 Science and Life—Frederick Soddy. .. 84
Scientific and Industrial Research. Report of the Committee of the Privy Council for—
Stationery Office (pub.)_ .. 429 Sea and Land, By—E. Hilton Young .. 279 — the Victory at—Rear-Admiral William Bowden Sims .. 815 Seaborne Trade : Vol. I.-0. Ernest Fayle — 707 Sex Extinction, Feminism and—Dr. Arabella Kenealy .. 20 Shakespearean Playhouses—Joseph Quincy Adams .. .. 437 Shaw. Bernard, the Quintessence of—Henry Charles Duffle .. 182
Slaves, Children of the—Stephen Graham .. 703 ocialism, Christian, 1848-1854-0. E. Raven 405 — Guild—G. O. Field — 741
— — Re-stated—G. D. H. Cole .. 741 Socialist Commonwealth of Great Britain, a Constitution for—Sidney and Beatrice Webb 240 Space, Time, and Deity—S. Alexander.. 243 Spiritualism, its Present-Day Meaning—Ed. by Huntly Carter .. .. 670 Swift's Tale of a Tub "—Ed. by A. S. Guthkelch, &c. .. 81
TANKS, a Company of—Major Watson .. 308 Tchehov, Anton. the Letters of—Trans. by Constance Garnett. .. 160 Territorials (the West Riding). in the Great War—Major Laurie Magnus .. .. 49 Timbers of the World, a Manual of the—A. L.
Howard 640 Tolstoi. Leo Nicolayevitch, Reminiscences of
—Maxim Gorky 121172 Torment-0. E. Jacomb
Towns (Dead) and Living Men-0. Leonard Woolley .. 179 Tragedy, Greek—Gilbert Norwood . 568 Treaty, the Making of the Reparation and Economic Sections of the—Bernard M.
Baruch .. 778 Tree, Herbert Beerbohm Memories collected by Max Berebohm 569 Trout Fishing—H. T. Sheringham .. 309 Tub, the Tale of a—Jonathan Swift .. 81 Tuberculosis, the Shibboleths of—Marcus Paterson. M.D. .. 817 Typhus and Relapsing Fever, the Serbian Epidemics of, in 1916—Dr. William Hunter.. 274
UNBELIEF, the Limits of — Eric S. Robertson .. .. 371 Unrest (World), the Cause of—Grant Richards (pub.) .. .. 489-503 417-ELSA,' from the Log of the—Arnold
V Bennett .. .. 52
WAIFS elstsdGSuatrradyss.-0. Henryry 150 to of the.-.--C.
Dudley Ward _ 49 Whiteley. Opal, the Diary of—Putnams (pub.) 504 Wife, an English. in Berlin—Evelyn, Princess
Waist! Niche Elmer Mo-re 171 Women. Our—Arnold Bennett.. .. 535 Wood, Leonard. Conservator of Americanism— Eric Fisher Wood .. . .. 48 Working Class Education, an Adventure 1n—
Albert Maxisbridge — 85 World Unrest, the Cause of—Grant Richards (pub.). 489-503 in
World War, the First—Colonel Rep.g.ton 393-434
A LLE.,, BY'S Final Triumph—W. T. Massey 409 11 AU Things are Possible—Leo Shestov.. 120 America, North, the Colonization of—H. E.
Bolton and T. M. Marshall 823 Ancient Buildings, Society for the Protection Re of, the Annual Report of the .. 373 Angler's Garland, an—Eric Parker .. 863 Anglo-French Review, the .. 184-343-475-785
Anglo-Italian Review, the .. .. 747 Arbuthnota of Kincardineshire and Aberdeen- shire, Memories of the—Mrs. P. 8. M.
Arbuthnot .. . 441 Archaeology,ill How to Observe in—Ed. by
G. F. H .. .. 87 Armour and Arms, European, Record of, Vol. 11.—Sir Guy Francis Laking .. 642 Art and Decoration—Oscar Wilde .. 643 Antes Etruria° Renascuntur—H. Barnard and P. Hodgkiss .. 785 Asian (Central) Society, Journal of the .. 874
BABY'S First Year—Mary Tweedie .. 54 Baghdad. In the Clouds above—Lt.-Col.
J. E. Tennant .. .. 410 Baghdad, the Bagging of—Ernest Betts .. 572 Balkan Tangle, Twenty Years of the—M. Edith Durham .. Barzon House : an Illustrated Record, 1920 643 —Croat Thomson 864 Beardmore News—W. Beardmore & Co. (pub.) 311 Belgium and the Western Front, British and American—Ed. by F. Muirhead 506 Bible for Schools, the Modern Reader's : The New Testament—Richard G. Moulton .. 540 Bibliographical Society, the Transactions of the
— H. Milford (pub.)........506 Birds, British, Field Observations on—Fergus Monteith Ogilvie 643 — the, of the British Isles and their Eggs—
T. A. Coward 863 Birth-rate, the Fall of the—G. Udny Young .. 311
Bookman's Journal, the .. 281. Books, Rare English, the Division of, between England and the U.S.—A. W. Pollard .. 508 — the English Catalogue of, for 1919— Publishers' Circular (pub.) .. 54 Bose, Sir Jagadis C., F.R.S., the Life and
Work of—Patrick Geddes .. 218 Botanist, the Outdoor—A. R. Horwood .. 410
British History Chronologically Arranged—
Arthur Hassell 409 — Museum, Student's Guide to the Manu- scripts of the—J. P. Gilson .. 643
Cunningham .. 185 Canadian Forum, the .. 642 Carlyle, Guide to—Augustus Italli .. 670 Carnegie, Andrew, a Manual of the Public Benefactions of .. .. 747 Cavell, Miss, the Case of—Ambrolse Got .. 506 Child's Life, the First Five Years of a— G. M.
and Margaret Bennett.. .. .. 54 China, In Unknown—S. Pollard 573 Churches, City, the Proposed Demolition of Nineteen—P. S. Ring (pub.) 006 Coleridge. Lamb, and Leigh Hunt—Ed. by S. E. Winbolt 676 Conifers and their Characteristics—Charles Coltman-Rogers.. 153 Congregational Worship, Book of—Congre- gational Union (pub.) .. 541 Constantine, ex-King, and the War—George
M. Melas.. 711 Continent, an Irish Peer on the, 1801 to 1803—
Catherine Wilmot .. 218 Corporation Profits Tax, the—IL W. Needham 642 Cottage Building in Cob, Pig, Chalk, and Clay
— C. Williams-Ellis 281 Crewe House, Secrets of—Sir Campbell Stuart 311 Cultivation with Movable Frames—H. Cowley 883 Cunningham, William. 1849-1919--W. R. Scott 441 Currencies after the War—Ed. by J. A. Salter 64 DACCA (Bengal), University of, Prospectus of the.. 343 Dante, the Inferno of—Trans. . 'by Eleanor V. Murray . 642 Dante, the Letters of—Ed. by Paget Toynbee 217 Darkwater : Voices from within the Veil—
W. E. Burghardt Du Bois......246 Dead, the Book of the—Sir E. A. Wallis Budge 87 Delphi—Frederik Poulson .. 785 Demosthenes Demobilized—Heifer (pub.) .. 863 Dictionary, New English, a Thousand and One Notes on a—G. G. Loans......678 DICTIONARIES .. 218-374
Diplomatic Reminiscences—A. Nekludoff .. 87 Drama, the Contemporary, of England—
Thomas Dickinson .. 54 Dunlop Book, the—E. I. Burrow. E. R. Cross, and A. I. Wilson 608 EDITORS, the Roving—W. J. Sowden 246 111 Education Act, the L.C.O. Draft Scheme
under the—Sir Robert Blair — 24 Education, Continuative, under the Fisher Act—
Mrs. M. A. Cloudesley Brereton 217
— for the New Era. . .. 152 Edward IL, Year Books. of, -Yd. XV1I.— Ed. by W. C. Bolland Egypt, England in—Lord Milner .. 863 English Historical Review, the—Longmaus
(pub.) .. .. 642
ElAR WEST, Seeing the—John T. Faris ..748 ..12 Fecial Law and Procedure, an Exposition
of—Richard Zouche. .. 24
Finding Themselves—Miss Julia. Stimson .. 152 Florentine Life, Select Extracts Illustrating—
Ed. by Miss Roper .. 440 Flying : In the Blue—Major S. H. Long .. 808 Forty Days in 1914—Sir F. Maurice .. 676 France, the National History of : Seventeenth
Century—Jacques Boulenger .. 344 French Classics, Cambridge Plain Texts of- Camb. Univ. Press (pub.).. 807 French Revolution, the—G. P. Gooch. .. 311 French, Works in
La Guyenne pendant la Domination Anglaise, 1152-1453--C. Bemont .. 643 — Poems-31. Bideau 643 Free Will and Destiny—St. George Lane Fox Pitt 120
GFriendship—Jeremy Taylor .. 785 AMES. the Girl Guides' Book of—Constable (pub.) 55 Geographical Journal, the .. 216-883 GIFT-BOOKS .. 710 ; 745-48 ;82718.222-83;-84862:
Giovanni della Robbia—Allan Marquand . 863 Goldoni and the Venice of his Time—J. B.
Kennard .. .. 476 Greek Lands, Discovery in—F. H. Marshall.. 245 — Science and Modern Science—Charles Singer 120
HEALTH, Ministry of. Report for 1919-20 of Chief Medical Officer to the—Stationery ..
Office (pub.) 711 History—Macmillan (pub.) .. 119-508 — and Polities, Studies in—Herbert Fishier .. 87 — Hints for Students of—S.P.C.K. (pub.) .. 822 — the Teaching of—E. L. Hasluck .. 281 Historical Authorities. Guide to an Exhibition of—Sir Geoffrey Butler 748
Holberg, Ludvig—S. 0. Hammer — 440
Hosts and Guests in War Time—Victoria League (pub.) .. .. 217 Rumours of a Parish—Mr. Money .. 153
iij de Park. Question Time la—Clement Rogers 540
TLLINOIS. the Centennial History of. Vol. V.
1 —E. L. Bogart and J. M. Mathews . 54 Illinois, Vols.I. and IV.—C. V. Alvord, and E. L.
Bogart and 0. 31. Thompson 711 Imperial Institute, the Bulletin of the—
Murray (pub.) _ 374
In a Green Shade—Maurice Hewlett C78 Income Tax Acts as they Affect the Public—
G. F. Emery .. 785 — — Up to Date—H. J. Gully .. 154-313 India at the Crossings—Lord Meston.... 311
— the Diary of a Sportsman Naturalist in E. P. Stebbing 245 Indian Trade Enquiry : Reports on Rice— Murray ) .. Indians in(p ub. France, With the—Sir James 572 Willeocks 785
Industrial Welfare, the Journal of .. 747 Inebriety, the British Journal of—lailliere
(pub.) .. . 606 International Law, the iiritish. Year Book of,
1920-21—H. Frowde, &o. (pub.) .. 409 In the Blue—Major S. H. Long.. .. 606 Islam. the Influence of Animism on—Samuel M.
Zwemer . — 54 Italian Literature, Early, Vol. L—Ernesto Grillo . .. 120 — People, the—Sii Rennell Reid .. 475
JANE: a Memoir—Dorothy F. Ellison .. 475 Jerusalem, the Annual of the American School of Oriental Research in, Vol. I.— Ed. by C. 0. Torrey .. .. 785 Jewish Peril, the—" The Britons" (pub.) .. 374 — Thoughts, a Book of—Selected by the Chief
Rabbi .. 508 " Johnnie "—Agnes Anderson
LKALAHARI, the, or Thirstland-Redemption —E. H. L. Schwarz .. 246 ANCASHIRE—F. H. Cheetham .. 217 Landmark, the—English-Speaking Union (pub.) .. 342
Laughter in Court Collectedby Richard Knight 343 Leader of Men, a—James Baker .. .. 785 Legislation, Comparative, the Journal of the Society of.. 505 Leper Problem in India. Report of a Con- ference on the .. .. 506 Library, the—Bibliographical Society (pub.) ., 24 Liturgies, the English, of 1549 and 1661- J. E. Field .. .
London, a Dull Day in—Dora Sigerson ., 87 ce
Lovela, Ralph Earl of : a Memoir—Mary
Countess of Lovelace 711 Loyalty Group, Among the Natives of the—
E. Hadfield 441 MAGAZINES, the .. 23-87-188-810.342- 474.605-740-785 Magic in Names—Edward Clodd 806 Maitland Quarto Manuscript, the—Ed. by
W. A. Craigie .. 541 Manchesters. the Seventh—Capt. S. J. Wilson, Marxism, the Revival of—J. Shield Nicholson 607 Mary Queen of Scots (in the Scottish Historical Review) .. . . 572 Mazzini's Letters to an English Family, 1844-54
—Ed. by E. F. Richards .. 440 Mn of Mark, Modern—Mrs. Stuart Menzies 785 — of the Nineties—Bernard Muddiman .. 185 Merchant Seamen, British, " National Service " of. 1914-19—Father Hopkins.. 748 Mesopotamia, Marvellous—Joseph T. Parfit .. 007 Metric Committee, the Report of the—Royal Society (pub.) .. 676 Mineral Property, the Ownership and Valuation of—Sir R. A. S. Redmayne and Gilbert Stone 282 Ministers in the Seventeenth Century, Salaries
of (in the English Historical Review).. .. 642 Modern Churchman. the—Blackwell (pub.) .. 505 Money and Prices. Interim Report on—Co-
operative Printing Society (pub.) .. 343 Morocco, In—Edith Wharton .. .. 541 Muntaner, the Chronicle of—Trans. by Lady Goodenough .. 540
NAPOLEON and his Times, a Dictionary of —H. N. B. Richardson 864 Nations. Law between, an Exposition of—
Richard Zouche 24
— Law of, a Synopsis of the—J. W. Teem.. 24 Nationalization, the Triumph of—Sir Leo
Mona Money .. .. 410 Naval Front, the—Gordon S. Maxwell .. 25 Negro Migration during the War—Emmet J. Scott .. .. 24 NEW EDITIONS AND REPRINTS .. 643 Newspapers, English and Welsh, Tercentenary Handliat of—Mr. Muddiman 822 Nile to Aleppo—Hector W. Dinning 245 Nineteen-Sixteen. Nineteen-Twenty—Intro. by Sir W. Sutherland .. 374
Nollekons and his Times—P. T. Smith .. 842 Northumberland and Durham. the Place- Names of—Allan Mawer 863 Northumbria, Highways and Byways in—
P. Anderson Graham .. 863 Nottingham—Everard L. Guilford 506 Novelists, Some Contemporary—Brimley Johnson .. 711
OILFIELDS, Mid Continent, Geology of the —T. 0. Bosworth 541 Orient, Women Workers of the—Margaret E.
Burton „ 282 Our Log—A. Watson & Co. (pub.) .. 343
PAYCOCKES of Coggeshall, the, and their House—Eileen Power......476 Peace Conference at Paris, a History of the. Vol. 111.—Ed. by H. W. V. Temperley 475 — — Handbooks—Stationery Office (pub.) 475-876 Persian Rugs, How to Identify—C. J. Delabere
hfny 864 Piccadilly in Three Centuiles—A. I. Lersent ,. 541
Pig-Feeding, Modern, in 1917-20-K. J. 3. Ilackenzie and John Fleming.. .. 282 Pilgrim, the-Ed. by Canon Temple .. 440 - Fathers, the : their Story and their
Connexion with Southampton - Hants Advertiser (pub.)........64 - Story, New Light on the-Rev. T. W.
Mason and Rev. B. Nightingale 911 Pipes of War, the-Brevet-Col. Sir Bruce Scton
and Pipe-Major John Grant.. 217 Plymouth, the Story of-A. L. Salmon - 185
Poetry, English. Naturalism in-Stopford
Brooke.. 218
Poland and the Minority Races-Arthur L.
Goodhart . . .. 185
Poy Cartoons. 100-Hutchinson (pub.).. .. 343 Prayers for My Son-A Public Schoolmaster.. 506 Prince of Wales, Crossing the Line with H.R.H. the-Angus & Robertaon(pub.) . 672 Psalms, the First Book of, in the Text of G. 1.- Transcribed by H. W. Sheppard.. 476 Psychology and Folk-Lore-Mr. Mama* .. 88 QUARTERLIES. the .. .. 119-540 R.ABELAIS-Readings selected by W. F. Smith .. 373 Railway Platform. Seen from a-William Vincent ..218 Rajasthan. Annals and Antiquities o -Lieut.-
Col. James Tod . - 282 Rats, the Prevention and Destruction of-
E. B. Dewberry .. 607 Reform, a Philosophical View of-Percy Bysshe Shelley- .. 441 Revolution, the Coming,* in Great
Gerald Gould ... * 747 Revue Economlque Internationale-Ed. by
Ikon Hennebicq .. 373 Rice. Reports on. in India-Murray (pub.) .. 572 Road Wandered, the-Henry Shawcross - 864 Bornanovs, the Last Days of the-Robert Wilton 572 Round Table, the . . 281-747 " Royal Mall " War Book, the-H. W. Leslie 344 Ruskin the Prophet and other Centenary
Studies-Ed. by J. H. Whitehouse. 572 Russia, Soviet, Co-operation in-Z. *Stencel- Lensky. . .. 505 - - Labour Conditions in-Harrison (pub.) 281 SAILORS and Soldiers, Disabled, the Employment of Mr. Rothband's Scheme 711 St. John, the Epistles of-Charles Gore, D.D. 184 Scholarship, International-Sir F. G. Kenyon 676 Science, the Advancement of, 1920-Murray
(pub.)_ . .. 811
Scottish Historical Review, the .. .. 572 Seals-H. S. Kingsford .311 Secret Service, British, during the Great War -Nicholas Everitt .. 748 Seed, Old. on New Ground-James Addcrley 883 Septuagint. a Handbook to the-It. R. Ottley 281 Sermons by a Lay Headmaster-G. W. S.
Howson .. 606 Service Man, the .. - 642 Sex Education and National Health-Mrs.
Gascoigne Hartley_ . 573 Shakespeare's Fight with the Pirates-Alfred W. Pollard.. - 343 - " Hamlet," the First *Quarto: Edition of-
Frank G. Hubbard 822 Ships' Boats-Ernest W. Biocksidge 54 Sicily. By-Paths in-Eliza Putnam Heaton .. 282 Sierra Leone, an Introduction to the Geo-
graphy of-HaroldMichell ... .. 245 Silesia, Pole and Czech in-James A. *Roy .. 823
Siren, the Story of the-E. M. Forster.. .. 246 Sister Mary of St. Philip, 1825-1904-Long- mans (pub.). 579
Socialism. British, a *History of-If. Beer . 373
Southampton. the Assembly Books of. Vol.
1609-10-Ed. by J. W. Plorrocks. . 822 Spanish and Portuguese Romances of Chivalry -Henry Thomas .... 246 Standish, Captain Myles : his Lost Lands and
Lancashire ConnectiOns-T. C. Porteous .. 607 State Purchase, Mr. Philip Snowden and : a
Reply-Arthur Sherwell. 185 Sussex Windmill, Life in a-Edward A. Martin 410 Synonymes, English-George Crabb .. 440 'TAXABLE Capacity of the Nation, the-
" Mr. 'McKenna .. 24 Temperance (Scotland) Act, 1013, an Analysis
of the-H. St. C. Reid and J. Walker .. 747 Tenants' Emergency Charter, the-Oliver &
Boyd (pub.) .. _ 217 Terra Sigillata, an Introduction to the Study of -F. Oswald and T. D. Pryce .. 572 Theology-Ed. by E. G. Selwyn .. .. 24 Thompson, Silvans Phillips. F.R.S. : his Life and Letters-Jane S. and Helen G. Thompson 153
KITED STATES, the, In the World War U
(1918-20)-John Bach McMaster .. 843
WALTER DE WENLOK, Abbot of West- minster-E. H. Pearce .. .. 643 War, the Great, 1914-1918-C. R. L. Fletcher 217 Wheat Problem, the World's-Capt. R. T.
Hinekcs Williams, Noel Dyson-ftiwalina H. Dobbs .. 643 Williams Wynn, Lady, Correspondence of-Ed. by Rachel Leighton .. 506 Wilson, President-Daniel Halevy 217 Windfalls-" Alpha of the Plough" .. 864 Women, How they can Help in Political Work
-Constance Williams 343 Worcester Liber Albus, the-Rev. J. M. Wilson 153 NTANKEE, the, in the British Zone-E. C.
MacVeagh and L. D. Brown .. .. 673
YEAR-BOOKS, &g. 25-88-185-374-711-78G-864
Ypres Salient, the. Pilgrim's Guide to tho -H. Reiach (pub.) .. 24 ZANZIl3.1E-Major F. B. Pearce .. 311 CORRESPONDENCE.
ACTION Should be Met by Action, 302-333.
Agriculture Bill, the. 737-811.
Agricultural Land, Taxation and the Owners of, 334.
Albania, the Serbian Invasion of, 269. " Allenby's Final Triumph," 564.
America : Prohibition in, 77-109-271-840 ; and Great Britain, 108 ; Hunger-Striking in. 864 ; the Presidential Election, 539 ; France, and the League, 848 ; and the League, 849.
America's War Sacrifices, 176.
American Legion, the, 46.
Amritsar : " an Unarmed Crowd," 12 ; the Debate on, 75.109 ; an Indian Opinion on. 140 ; the Report on. 205-237.
Amritsar Rebellion, the Gordon Riots and the, 109-174-205.
Anderson, Mr. Tom, the Socialism of, 268.
Anderson, the Late Mr. J. D., 736.
Anglo-American Society, the, 208.
Arab Art, 668.
Armenia. the Bolsheviks and. 207.
Author Wanted, 467.
Rare. Bolsheviks at, 467.
Ballot : Reforming the, 301 ; the Power of the Unmarried Man in the Trade Union. 301; the Boy Miners' Vote, 333 ; the Miners', 485. Ballots. " Faked," 271.
Belgium, the Export of British Horses to. 849. Bird Life Abroad, 16.
Bird Sanctuary, the, as a Memorial, 79. Birds, Cruelty to, 16. Blinded Soldiers' and Sailors' Hostel. 534. Bolshevism : Children and, 111 -140-208-268-269- 301-331 ; British. 235.
Brain, the, of Ancient and Modern Man, 335. Bright, Dr. S. Franck (" The Beloved Master "), 594. British Hospital for Mothers and Babies, a Great 3latinee, 597.
Bronze Implements, a Catalogue of, 812. Brougham, Lord, a Reminiscence of, 466. Browning, Robert, on Austin Dobson, 069. Bureaucracy and Salaries, 497-533-596. Bureaucracies and Bonuses, 564.
Burghclero, Lady, her Prisoners Fund, 238.
OAIEBRIDGE. Women at. 565-699-810-847. Canada, Trade with, 303. Capital and Labour at Sea. 278.
Cellar-Book. Notes on a, 143.
Children's Libraries Movement, the, 774.
Christian Reunion, 773.
Christian Unity, 14.
Church, the, and Problems of the Day, 633.
Churchmen, Modem, in Council, 362.
Civil Advocate, a, for the Services. 207.
Civil Servant, the. 598-630.
Classics, the Passing of the, 143-208. Clerical Pay. 78.
Coal Miners' Strike, the, 663.
Coal Output. Miners and the, 110.
Coal Position, the, 399.
Conspiracies and Common Sense, 772. Cork, the Lord Mayor of : and Martyrdom, 933 ; the Suicide of, 563-594-631-607.
Corrections, 80-238-498-634.
Cromwell, Oliver. a Saying of, 499.
Cuckoo Story, a, 80.
Cuckoos and Chameleons. 80.
Cuckoos' Eggs, 16-47-79-112-144.
" "flaws NEWS," the Sentimental Atheism of the,
-1--" 736.
Dalmatia : the Italians in, 201 ; the South Slav Point of View In, 466.
" Debt of Honour," the. 565.
De Morgan, the Late William. 597.
Disraeli and Gladstone, 108-142-176.
Divorce Bill, the. 14.
Divorce, the Church and, 14.
Dodeconesian Delegation at the Peace Conference.
the. 273.
Dog River, the. 208-850. Dublin Massacre, the, 735.
Dyer, General, an Amnesty for, 109.
ECONOMY, 77. Education Act, the New, 701-773. Elton, the Late Sir Edmund, 176.
Excess Profits Duty, the. 14.
Expenditure, National : the True Culprits, 15.
Ex-Service Men in 1660. 175.
FAXILY Budgets, Post-Bellnm, 813.
Florence, the British Institute in, 111. Foreigner, the, Making him Pay, 700. Forty-second (East Lancashire Territorial) Division, the, 208. France : the Present State of Religious Feeling in. 111 ; and Great Britain, 269-366-498 ; America, and the League, 848. French Acadian, the, 13.
French, Lord, his Speech, 43.
Free Will and Destiny. 143.
" aEORDIE PinfAii," 399. %-A Gibraltar, the Apes of, 366.
Glastonbury Festival School, the, 176. Glenconner, the Late Lord, 735.
Goats, 702. Golden Bough, Pruning the. 143. Gordon Riots, the, and the Amritsar Rebellion, 109-174-205. Governing and Not Governing. 205-236. Government of Ireland Bill, the. 701-772.
" Goya Triumphans," 638. " Gradely," the Old Lancashire Word, 433.
HEDGEN00, the. 738-774-852 ; or Owl 7 852,
Holbrook°, Josef. and his Work. 851.
Holmes, John Sancroft, 272. Home Rule Bill, In Praise of the, 701; Lord Meath on the, 772. Hong Kong, Child Slavery in, 701. Horses. British, the Export of, to Belgium. 849. Housing and the Trade Union.s, 811. Hugo, Victor, and Poland, 273. Hunger-Striking in America, 364.
TNDEX Figure, the, 810-847. -1- India : Mr. Montagu and, 141; the Fate of,
174 ; the Prospect in. 400.
Indian Civil Service, the, as a Career, 849.
Indian News. Suppressed, 433.
Inge, Dr., on Eugenics. 850. Ireland : No Foolish Consistency in. 45 ; the
Condition of, 1141-172.363-431; the Tragedy of.
464 ; Reprisals in. 465 ; Texas and. 498 • Unionist Members and, 631-701 ; the Dublin Massacre, 735.
Ireland's Enemies, 401. Irish Crime, Roman Catholicism and, 141.
Irish Inferno, the, 630. Irish Judiciary, the. 633. Irish Question, the Independent Liberal Party and the, 771.
Irish Railways, 45.
Irish Rehellion, the. 539-564-594. Irish Unionist. an. on England, 141. Italy : Popular Feeling in, 463 ; Agrarian Unrest in. and its Relation to Land Tenure, 496 ; and Aus- tria, 534.
Italian-British Friendship, For the Sake of, 399- 629.
Italian Troops of Occupation. 139. Italians : the, in Dalmatia. 204; Persecution of, at Spalato, 464.
JEWS : and Revolution, 495 ; and Christians. 496 ; on Jews, 532-564. Jewish Patriotism, 490.
Jutland : and Lord Jellicoe. 667 ; the Battle of. 700.
T(EENWICII, Sir George, and the Conservative Party, 499.
"Killing No Murder," 667. King's Own Scottish Borderers, the, 112.
LABOUR a Policy for the Government towards, 332 ; and the Capitalist Press, 850. Labour Party, the, the State, and the Liquor
Trade, 631.
Lambeth Conference, the, 335.
Lambeth Reunion Proposals, the, 209.
League of British Citizenship, the Proposed. 302- 334-365.
League of Loyal Citizens, a, 271.
Lague of Nations, the, and the Origins of the English raeiament. 773.
Liberal Party, the Independent, and the Irish Question, 771. Licensing Reform, 77-110, Living, the Cost of, 270.
Lollard Bible, the. 208.
Louvain Library, 400.
Lowland Regiments. Histories of the. 272. Lustre Pottery. 702-774-812.
lafacSwurms. Mr., the Suicide of. 563-594-631.
-LT A- " Magic in Names," 633.
Malaprop. a Rustic. 565. Meath. Archbishop, 235. Marriage : Christ's Law of, 44 ; Socialism and, 175-365.
Mesopotamia. 174. Middle Classes Union. the, 302.
Money : Dear or Cheap 7 236-270-303 ; and Prices-an Illustration, 364.
Montagu, Mr., and India. 141.
Morale, 467.
" 'Unions's Vineyard." 78. Nature Red in Tooth and Claw, 18. New Zealand, Our Trade with, 272. Nonconformity and " Reprisals." 773. Novel, the, is it a Sign of Social Decay ? 773.
OFFICERS, Retired. Three Grievances of. 668. " Opal Whiteley's Diary," 534. Opinion, the Manufacture of, 78. Oriental Empire, Our, 304.
DALEssura, Sir Herbert Samuel and, 12.
-a- Paper. the Shortage of, 144-176.
Paravicini. the Late Francis de, 43-177.
Parliament, English, the League and the Origins of the. 773. Peking, the Astronomical Instruments of, 78-237. Penal Reform, 432.
Peregrine Falcons, 702. Ilse Barn, a, 148.
Piss Building. 851. Pise Cottage, a Two-storeyed, 433. Fisk : in the Past, 596.702 ; in Korea, 851.
Plough, the Policy of the. 208-237. Plumage Bill, the. 15-44-78-109-143-175-206-237. Plumage Trade : Unemployment, Luxury, and the,' 596 ; Sir Harry Johnston on the. 633. Polyphonic Prose, 852. Prayer, a Queer, 207. Prices : the Coming Fall of, 465 ; High and Low.
498 ; High. and Currency. 564-594-632-667. Profit-Sharing. 851.
Progress, the Idea of. 45. Prohibition in America. 77-109-271.
Proletariat, the Dictatorship of the, 364.
Public School Verse." 633.
Punjab Disturbances, the, 12-13.
QIIAILES, Francis, 238.
-ppmnusers: and the American Civil War. 863 -AA' Nonconformity and, 773.
Revolution, the Coming, 811-851.
Rheims Cathedral, 702.
Rhine, the Horror on the, 432-533.
Road and Rail. 142.
Roman Catholicism and Irish Crime. 141.
Rowan Berries, a Feast of, 401.
Royal Irish Constabulary, Papers for the, 333-433. Russia, the Right Attitude towards, 701.
QT. CheER Dump, the, 140.
" Samuel, Sir Herbert, and Palestine, 12. Science, a New. 15. Scotland : Reunion in. 305 ; Local Option in, 869. Scottish (15th) Division. History of the, 774. Sea-Gulls, Shooting. 273. Sinn Fein Propaganda, 13-76-142. Sinn Fein: Radicalism and. 173 ; on the Conti- nent. 497; the Negotiations with, 848.
Smillie, Mr.. 865.
Socialism and Marriage, 175.
Social Service, 505-832.
Sound, Patterns of, 774-852.
Spanish. the Study of, 110. Spectator. the : at the Outposts of Church and Empire. 466-534-852 ; a Certificate of Character, 595.
Spiritual Forces, a Rally of, 288. Starvation by Order in Council. 400.
State Ownership, Results of, 77„ Story, a Well-Travelled. 433.
Switzerland, Travel in. 177-272.
TALL the Nemesis of, 463.
Taxation : from £240 to £3.062 in Two Years.
Taxpayer, the Cry of the, 666.
Texas and Ireland, 498.
Thomas, Mr. J. H., 271. Thresher, the, and the Whale, 15-79-112-144-177.
" Time and Talents " Debate, a, 668.
Tortoise-shell, 775.
Toy Soldiers, 697.
Trade Union Tyranny, 174. Trade Unions : and ex-Service Men. 142-207; and British Citizenship, 334.
Tyrol. Art Treasures in the, 598.
'VALUUNDER-TREAStRER and Steward, an, 144. Unity, the Need for, 584. 'VALUE : and Price. 230 ; Price, and Finance. 271. E League, the, 774. Vienna and Lower Austria, the Underfed Adults in.
Village. a Voice from the. 595.
Village Clubs, 813.
Village Life, a Scene in. 303. Voltaire and the Excuse for Murder. 701.
WAR the Chronology of the, 15 ; Manual Workers and the Cost of the, 531. War Graves. 46-111 ; in France, 238.
War Memorials, 144: an Inscription for, 208. Wesleyan Conference, the, 45. Whitmell, C. T., Died December 10th, 1919: In Memoriam, 813. Wine-Bibber's Apology, the, 177-200-238.
yPRES League, the, 597.
ZANZIBAR, the Bishop of, 335. Zionism, Some Aspects ot, 11.
APPEALS.-For Gentlewomen of Small Means. 40.-A Rome for Invalid Children, 46.-The Univer- sity Library of Nancy, 46.-The Boys' Brigade Seaside Camp. 110.-The National Refuges Society, 111.-The Necessitous Ladies' Holiday and General Fund, 209.-Children's Country Holidays Fund, 273.-Glastonbury Festival School Appeal. 401.- The Working Men's College, 466.-Imperial War Relief Fund, 466.-St. Mary's Convalescent Home, Birchington-on-Sea, 498.-Friends' Emergency and War Victims Relief Committee, 499.-The Ranyard Mission. 669.-The Memorial to Mrs. Humphry Ward. 737 -Rescue Work among Educated Girls. 737.-The Travellers Aid Society, 852.-The Waifs and Strays Society, 852.-The Royal National Orthopaedic Hoepital, 852.
Accounts, Public, the Report of the Committee on, 801.
American Life, the " Glittering Absurdities " of Some British Observers of. 99.
Appleton, Mr. : the Attack on, at the Trade Union Congress. 354-390 ; his Allegation against Mr. Robert Williams, 391 ; his Correspondence with Colonel Lionel James, 763.
Archangel Expedition, Sir Henry Wilson's Com- ments on the, 163.
Asquith, Mr. : on Lord Grey of Fallodon's Scheme of Home Rule, 454 ; Accuses the Government of Permitting Reprisals, 522. Aviation. Civil, the Report of the Advisory Com- mittee on, 3.
Balfour, Mr., on International Sympathy, 35.
Bonar Law, Mr. : on Mr. Asquith's and Lord Grey of Fallodon's Irish Home Rule Schemes, 727 ; on It. Paul Cambon's " Indomitable Tenacity." 803.
Brace, Mr., Appointed Labour Adviser to the Mines Department. 623. British Association, the, at Cardiff, 259.
Cambon, M. Paul. the Retirement of, as French Ambassador, 803.
Cambridge University Rejects the Demand of Women to be Received as Full Members, 763.
Carson, Sir E., on Lord Grey of Fallodon's Scheme of Home Rale, 454.
Chamberlain, Mr., on the Proposed Increase in the Excess Profits Duty, 34. Chequers Court. Lord and Lady Lee's Gift of, 487. Churchill. Mr., the Document Concerning his Action towards Russia, 34.
Church of England, the First Meeting of the National Assembly of the, 2. Clementine, Princess, Unveils Memorial Presented by Belgians, 487.
Coal Strike, the, 521 ; the Settlement of the, 553-586 ; see also under " Miners' Federation." Coal, Record Increase in the Output of, 727. Cohalan, Dr., Bishop of Cork : on Mr. MacSwiney and the Murder of Colonel Smyth, 291 • the Record of, 291 ; his Threat of Excommunication, 802. Commodities, the Fall in the Prices of, 659. Communist Party, National : the Conference of the, 163 ; and the Labour Party, 354. Cork, Lord Mayor of : the Hunger-Strike of the, 259.291-323 ; Dr. Cohalan and the, 291 ; the Appeal to the King on behalf of the, 291 ; Mr. Lloyd George
on the Crime of the, 823 ; Mr. J. A. R. Marriott on the, 323; the Suicide of the. 554. " Council of Action," the : and Poland and Russia, 194 ; the Conference of, in London, 226 ; Mr. Lansbury on the. 227 ; Mr. T. Mallalieu on the, 291.
Cromer, the Late Lord, on Forced Labour and the Corvee. 99. Curzon. Lord, on the Government's Policy in the Middle East. 487, D'Abemon, Lord, Appointed British Ambassador to Germany, 1. Daily Herald. the : Mr. Lansbury on the Position of the. 3 ; on Sir. Churchill and his Action in Russia, 34 ; and Russian Money. 227-258 ; and the Adver- tising of the Book Democracy or Shylocraey, 290 ; and the Russian Diamonds, 353-391 ; the Appeal of, for More Support, 455. Daily News, the, and the Murder of Colonel Smyth. 130. Derby. Lord, on a Franco-British Alliance as the Best Safeguard for Peace, 782. Divorce Law Reform Union. the, and Lord Buckmaster's Bill. 103.
Drage. Mr. Geoffrey, on Expenditure on " Public Assistance," 555.
Durham, the Bishop of. on the Question of Reunion, 131.
Electrical Trades Union, the Threatened Strike of the. 322-354-390.
Expenditure, Ways of Cutting Down, 2. Ex-Service Man, the, on the Attitude of the Trade Unions. 99.
Federation of British Industries, the, on the Need for Drastic Economy, 727. Firth. Sir Algernon. on Mr. Lloyd George's Attitude on Expenditure, 727. Funerals, Walking, the Veto of the Undertakers' Association on, 130.
German Property in England, the Government and, 555.
Goat-Keeping, Lady Bathurst on. 659. Greenwood, Sir Hamar : his Appeal to the R.I.C. to Maintain Discipline, 454 ; on the Home Rule Bill, 454 ; on the Murder Campaign in Ireland, 455 ; on the Banymaeelligott Creamery Case. 658. Grey of Fallodon, Lord : his Scheme for Irish Home Rule, 423 ; Mr. Asquith's Comments on, 454 ; Sir E. Carson on, 454 ; his Reply to Criticisms, 455.
Guest, Dr. Haden, on his Conversation with Lenin, 423.
Haig, Lord, his Appeal for Unemployed ex- Service Men. 195. Hartshorn, Mr. Vernon, on his Resignation from the Miners' Federation, 623.
Harvest. the Ministry of Agriculture's Report on the, 355. Henderson, Mr., Proposes a Constituent Assembly for Ireland. 454. Henson, Dr. Hensley. on the Question of Reunion, 131. Herdman. Professor, on the Sea and its Inhabitants. 259. Home, Sir Robert : on the Miners' Demand for a Further Increase in Wages. 130 ; his Proposals to Refer the Claim to the Industrial Court. 322-353.
Independent Labour Party, the Comments of the. on the " Third International." 258. Indian Army, the Report of the Committee on the Administration of the, 455. International Affairs, the British Institute of, 35. Ireland : the Kidnapping and Escape of General Lucas, 1-162; the Murder of Colonel Smyth, 98- 130 ; the Reprisals at Timm. 98 ; the Belfast Riots, 129-130 ; the Murder of Mr. Frank Brooke, 162 ; the Murder of Inspector Swanzy, 259-291 ; the Sectarian Riots in Belfast, 259-291; the " Peace Conference " in Dublin, 259 ; the Balbriggan Murders and " Reprisals," 391 ; the " Reprisals " at Mallow, 422 ; Sir N. Macready's American Interview, 422 ; the Rev. N. Lawless's Denunciation of Irish Crimes, 422 ; the Murder of Captain Lendrum, 454 ; the Attacks on the Mails, 486 ; the Murder of Edward and Francis O'Dwyer, 52Z; the Protestant Carpenters of Belfast and their Union. 554 ; the Roman Catholic Hierarchy's Statement, 585 ; Seven Policemen Murdered. 535 ; Numerous Murders, 622-658 ; Railway Companies Close Down. 622 ; Cork Prisoners Cease Hunger- Striking, 658 ; the Murders of British Officers in Dublin. 689 ; the Croke Park Shooting. 689 ; the Murder of a Galway Priest, 690 ; Plan for Spreading Typhoid and Glanders among British Troops, 690 ; the Arrest of Mr. A. Griffith and Mr. J. McNeill, 726; the Massacre of Officers at Kilmichael, 726; the Rumours of a Truce in. 761 ; the Proclamation of Martial Law in Cork. Tipperary. Kerry. and Limerick, 802 ; the Prime Minister's Reply to Father O'Flanagan. 802 ; the Discovery of a Bomb Factory in Dublin. 802 ; the Outrages and Fires in Cork, 802 ; Sir N. Macready's Circular on .Martial Law and Discipline, 838; Irish Leaders as Hostages, 838 ; Further Correspondence between Father O'Flanagan and Mr. Lloyd George. 838 ; see also under " Sinn Fein." Irish Roman Catholic Priests' Denunciation of " Atrocities " and " Frightfulness," 823. Irish Times, the Alarm of the, at the Official Recognition of the Ulster Volunteers, 355.
" Killing No Murder," the Roman Church and. 622. King, the, and Unemployed ex-Service Men, 195. Kipling, Mr., on the Great Tradition of Edinburgh University, 67.
Labour Party Congress, the, and the Third International. 3. Labour Party, the : Refuses the Communist Party's Application for Affiliation, 354 ; and the Rise in the London Rates, 555; Failure of, at the Municipal Elections, 587.
Lambeth Conference, the Appeal of the, for Reunion, 195,
Lansbury. Mr. : and the Third International, 3 ; on the Objects of the " Council of Action," 227 ; and Russian Money for the Daily Herald. 227-258.
Lincoln. Abraham, the Unveiling of the Statue of, at Westminster, 131.
Lloyd George, Mr. : on the Connexion between Sinn Fein and Bolshevism, 162 ; his Reply to the " Council of Action " on Poland and Russia, 194 ; on the Lord Maycr of Cork's Hunger-Strike, 259- 323 ; and the Control of the Price of Coal, 353 his Reply to the " Triple Alliance" on the Coal Crisis, 390 ; on Increased Coal Output and Wages, 421 ; at Llandudno, on the Virtues of the Coalition, 485 ; at Carnarvon, on the Irish Situation, 485 ; his Reply to the Unemployed Deputation, 523 ; at the Guildhall, 621 ; on the Need for Reduced Expenditure, 727 ; and " Little Imitation Gladstones," 762.
Local Option in Scotland. the First Trial of, 587, McKenna, Mr., on International Exchange. 657. Mallalieu, Mr. T., his Criticism of the " Counen of Action," 291.
Mallet. Sir Bernard, the Resignation of, as Regis- trar-General, 623.
Malone, Mr. : at the " Hands oil Russia " Meeting at the Albert Hall, 623 ; Convicted for Advocating Sedition, 691.
Rennie. Archbishop, the Arrival of, 194.
Miners' Federation Sir R. Home's Reply to the Further Wages Demand of the. 130; Announce the Result of the Ballot on a Strike, 289 ; the Appeal to the " Triple Alliance," 289 ; Mr. Hodges Presents the Case of the, to the Journalists, 322 ; and Sir R. Horne's Proposals, 322-353 ; the Negotia- tions with the Government, 389 ; the Interview with Mr. Lloyd George, 390 ; Further Meeting with Coal-owners, 421 ; the Ballot on the Coal- owners' Offer, 455-487 ; see also under " Coal Strike."
Montenore, Mr. Claude. on the Jewish Problem, 553.
National Gallery, the Parliamentary Visit to the, 3.
Nicholson, Mr. G., on Force and the Socialist Philosophy, 587.
Northumberland, the Duke of, on the Hidden Forces behind the Miners' Strike, 555.
Officers Murdered In Dublin, the Funeral in London of. 725.
Prince of Wales the Accident to his Train in Western Australia, 35 ; Visit of the, to India Post- poned, 227 ; the Return of the, 487 ; the Welcome to the, at the Guildhall, 762.
Printing Trade Strike, the, at Manchester and Liverpool, 322-390.
"Publio Assistance," the New Return of Expenditure on. 555.
Roman Catholic Church, the : and Suicide. 291 ; and " Killing No Murder," 622.
Roman Catholic Hierarchy, the Propaganda of the, in France and Belgium, 725.
Russia : the Final Report of the Labour Delega- tion to. 290 ; Report of the Committee on British Prisoners in, 838.
Selborne. Lady, on " The Worker a Wage Slave," 35.
Sinn Fein in the United States, Mr. George L. Fox on, 162.
Sinn Fein Murders and Outrages, 1-98-130462- 259-391-422-454-488-522-523-554 -585-622- 658-689- 690-726-802-853 ; see also under " Ireland."
Sinn Fein Outrages in Great Britain : at Liverpool and Bootle, 728 ; Attempted in London, 726 ; and in Glasgow, 761.
Smith and Son, Messrs. W. H., the Centenary of, 555.
Soldier's Pay, the Crown and the, 131-195. Spectator, the New Offices of the, 163. Spurner. Colonel, and the Sale of the St. Omer Dump. 163-195.
Suicide : the Roman Church and, 291 ; the Aiding and Abetting of, 323. Sykes, Sir Frederick. on the Development of Commercial Aviation, 487.
"Third International," the Denunciation of the, by the Executive of the " Second International." 622.
Trade and Values, the Heavy Decline in, 801.
Trade Union Congress the, at Portsmouth : Mr. Thomas's Presidential Address, 321 ; Mr. Smillie's Attack on the Parliamentary Committee, 321; and the Coal Question, 321; the Attack on Mr. Appleton, 354 ; the New Parliamentary Com- mittee, 354.
Trade Unions, the, and the ex-Service Man. 99. " Triple Alliance," the, and the Miners' Demands, 280.
Ulster Unionists, the Rumoured Split among the. 227. Undertakers' Association, the Veto of the, on Walking Funerals. 130.
Unemployed Deputation, the, to the Prima Minister, 523 ; the Rioting during the, 523.
United States. Mr. George L. Fox on Sinn Fein in the, 162.
Westminster Abbey, the Burial of an Unknown Soldier in, 621.
Westminster Gazette, the, and the Murder of Colonel Smyth, 130. Williams, Mr. Robert. at the " Hands off Russia" Meeting at the Albert Hall, 623. Wilson, Sir Henry, his Comments on the Archangel Expedition, 163. Windsor Barracks, the Unhygienic State of, 35.
Africa, East, the Native Labour Order in, 99. Agriculture Bill, the, 859-691-783-803-839. Amritsar Debate, the, 65. Asquith, Mr.: on the Restoration of Order (Ireland) Bill, 194 ; Moves the Rejection of the Plumage Bill, the, Sc, Poland and Russia : the British Proposal for an Armistice between, 86; Debate on the Allied Dealings with, 193-194.
Railway Fares. the Increase in, 130.
" Reprisals " I n Ireland : Mr. Ilendereon's Demand for an inquiry. 523; the Lords' Debate on, 587.
Spurrier. Colonel, and the Case of the St. Omer Dump, 163. Staffs of Government Departments, the Lords and the, 659. Syria, Mr. Boner Law on the Situation in, 97.
Thomas, Mr. J. IL, and Sir. Lloyd George's Willingness to Negotiate on the Irish Question, 129. Transport Ministry : Sir E. Geddes's Defence of the, 2 ; the Attack on the, 84. Turkish Peace Treaty. Lord Wester Wemyas's Attack on the, 162.
Unemployment : Debate on. 554 ; Government Measures for dealing with, 837.
Unemployment (Relief Works) Bill, the, 891.
(Beenrionse leroan.-Mr. F. Wise (Celle. 487.
NILSON AND CoLus.-Mr. B.. Graham (Labe, 3. Noiteois (SOUTH).--..Mr. G. Edwards (Lab.), 195.
Susonmeas (Tee Wartim),-Sir Charkes Town- ahead (L). 091.
SUFFOLK (WOODBRIDOE).-Sli A. Churchman (U.), 195.
Home Rule Bill. 658 ; In Ireland. 890.
Belfast Riots. Mr. Devlin and Mr. Boner on the. 129.
Carson. Sir E., on Mr. Montagu and General Dyer, 66. Chamberlain, Mr., on the Proposal to Ration Goverement Departments, 801. Civil Servants, the Bonuses to, 839.
Clyne.% Mr., on " Direct Action," 226. Coal Strike, Debate on the, 621-522.
Curzon. Lord : on Mesopotamia. 2; on the Jews and Jerusalem, 2 ; on the Turkish Peace Treaty. 162; on Persia, 658.
Devlin. Mr., and the Belfast Riots, 129. " Direct Action," the Debate on. 226-227. Dyer, General : the Army Council and, 84 ; Mr. Montagu and, 65; the Debate in the Lords on the Case of. 98.
Dyestuffs (Import Regulation) Bill, the. 703.
Economy Debate, the. in the commons. 801. Emergency Powers Bill, the, 555.
Finance Bill, the : Direct and Indirect Taxation. 34 ; the Excess Profits Duty, 67.
Geddes, Sir Eric, his Defence of the Ministry of Transport, 2. Government Extravagance, 35. Greenwood, Sir Hamar : on the Truth about " Reprisals " in Ireland, 523-554.622-690 ; on the Ballymacelligott Creamery Incident, 658 ; and the Murders of Officers in Dublin, 690 ; on the Fires in Cork, 802.
Heneerson. Mr., his Demand for an Inquiry into " Repdsals." 523. Home Rule Bill : the Financial Amusements under the, 555 ; the, in the Commons, 587.623-658- 839; in the Lords, 690-727-762-803-839. Horne, Sir Robert : ou the Coal Strike, 621 ; and on the Agreement. 686.
Ireland Debate on the Condition of, 129 ; Mr. T. P. O'Connor on the Government's " Policy of Frightfulness " in, 622 ; Mr. Lloyd George on the Government's Policy in, 802 ; the Fires in Cork. 802 ; see also under " Reprisals." Ireland, the Restoration of Order Bill for. 162- 194-195.
Jews and Palestine, 2.
Jutland. Battle of. Information about the, to be Published. 587.
Lloyd George. Mr. : on the Results of the Spa Conference, 97-161 ; his Reply to the Bolsheviks, 161 ; on the Results of his Conference at Ilythe with M. Millerand. 193 ; and Bolshevik Armistice Terms, 194 ; on the Restoration of Order (Ireland) Bill, 19 = ; on the " Council of Action." 226-227 ; on tile Coal Strike. 522-553 ; on " Reprisals " in Ireland, 622; on Rationing Government Depart- ments. 801; his Statement on Irish Policy, 802.
McCurdy, Mr., his Defence of the Food Ministry, 763.
Mesopotamia : Lord Curzon on. 2 ; the Insur- rection in, 687.
Ministers' Salaries, the Select Committee on 658. Ministry of Health Bill, the, 623-659-803. Ministry of Mines Bill, the. 2. Mlnietry of Munitions and Disposal Board, the Report on the Operations of the, 163. Montage, Mr.: on General Dyer. 66 ; Mr. Rupert Gwynne on the Administration of. 08. on the Murders and Reprisals THE PEACE TREATIES, LEAGUE OF NATIONS, &o.
Adrianople. the Capture of, by the Greeks. 129. Law Aix-les-Rains, the Meeting of the French and Italian Prentice; at, 354.
Albania. the Italian Agreement to the Evacuation of , 161.
Armenia : the Bolshevik Ultimatum to. 554 ; the Turkish Invasion, 554 ; Compelled to Sign an Arruestiee, 658 ; President Wilson Accepts Offer to Act as Mediator between the Turks and, 726 ; a Soviet Republic Declared in, 762. Asia Minor. the Greek Campaign in. 1.
Bolshevik Submarines, Lord Curzon and the Threat to Sink. 586.
Brussels : the Allied Conference at. 83; the Financial Conference at. 423.
Cables, ex-German. the Allied and American Conference at Washington in regard to. 838.
Ca.inthia, the Plebiscite in the Klagenfurt Dis- trict of. 522.
Curzon. Lord, his Notes to the Bolsheviks, 453- 486-586.
Danzig. Poland Refuses to Accept Convention in regard to, 554.
" Einwohnerwehr." Germany Called on to Dis- band the. 803.
Flume : Signor d'Annunzio Seizes Three Islands, 390 ; the Italian Blockade of, 762.
Greece. the Allied Warning to. 761.
Kameneff, M.: and Mr. Lloyd George's Attitude to General Wrangel. 225; Mr. Balfour's Questions to, about the Bolsheviks Peace Terms to Poland, 257; the Departure of. for Violating his Pledge to Refrain from Propaganda. 353. Kiel Canal, Germany Forbids Munitions for Poland to Pass through the, 355.
League of Nations : Mr. Balfour's Appeal on behalf of the, for Funds for Sanitary Measures in Eastern Europe. 323; and the Disputed Polish- Lithuanian Territory. 586 ; the Assembly of the, at Geneva, 057-802-803-837; and Mediation between Armenia and the Turks, 726 ; the With- drawal of Argentina from the, 761 ; to Set up a Court of International Justice, 802 ; and the Reduc- tion of Armaments, 803 ; New Admissions to the, 837.
Mesopotamia : the Defeat of a British Column in, 194; the Tribal Unrest in, 258-290; the Murder of Colonel Leathman, 258 ; Sir Percy Cox Appointed High Commissioner at Baghdad, 290 ; Colonel Lawrence on the Cause of the Disaffection in, 290 ; the Rising of the Diuntafik Arabs, 323 ; General Haldane Restoring Order in, 355-522 ; the American Government and the Mandate fur. 726.
Poland and Russia : the Conference at Boulogne between Mr. Lloyd George and M. Millerand about, 129; the Franco-British Misunderstanding with regard to. 193-225 ; M. Millerand's Visit to Mr. Lloyd George at Hythe. 193; the Conference of Mr. Lloyd George and Signor Giolitti at Lucerne. 257.
Reparation from Germany : Report of German Commission on, 1 ; the Spa Conference and, 66 ; the Franco-British Agreement as to. 622.
Russia and Britain, Draft of the Trade Agreement between. 453.
Stoma, Count, his Visit to London about the Near Eastern Situation, 726.
Silesia. Upper, the Conditions of the Plebiscite in. 726.
South Slave and Italians : the Agreement over the Adriatic Frontier between the. 622 ; the Signing of the Treaty of Siwalik), 657.
Spa Conference, the : Discussions with the German Delegates. 33 ; and German Disarmament, 66 ; the Question of Reparation, 66 ; the Outburst of Herr Stinnes, 66 ; Mr. Lloyd George on the Results of the, 97-161.
Syria : the French Ultimatum to the Arabs in, 98; the Deposition of the Emir Felsul, 129.
Turkish Peace Treaty, the, Signed at Sevres. 194.
Africa (South).-The Native Riot at Port Eliza- beth, 554.-General Smuts's Denunciation of General Hertzog and the Nationalists, 586.-The South African and Unionist Parties Agree to Dissolve Parliament. 726.-General Smuts Definee his Policy, 762. Australia.-The Accident to the Train of the Prince of Wales, 85.
LorTEgypt.-Draft Agreement, the : Biped by elliner and Zaghlul Pasha. 258; the Reception of. by the Natives, 355.
India.-National Congress Carries Mr. Gandhi's Non-Co-operation Resolution, 355.-The Report of Lord Feller's Committee on the Administration of the Indian Army, 455.-The Mischievous Results of Non-Co-operation, 587.
(See ender " Peace Treaties.") BOHEMIA.
Bolshevik Insurrection, a, 837.
Caillaux. M., his Denunciation of a Franco-British Understanding. 838. " Council of Action," the French Government and the Delegates of the, 226. Leygues. M.: Appointed Premier, 423 ; on the French Attitude towards Greece, 691; his Visit to Mr. Lloyd George, 726. • Millerand. If. : Defends the Spa Agreement, 161 ; Agrees with Refusal to Negotiate with Bol- shevik Despots, 225 ; on Differences of Opinion among the Allies, 225 ; Elected President of the Republk, 423. Foch, Marshal, on the Allied Governments' Failure to Obtain a Good Peace, 622.
Vatican. the French Embassy at the, to be Re- established, 728. Venizelos, Si., the Attempted Assassination of. In Paris, 226.
(See also under - Peace Treaties.") GERMANY.
Bismarck's Memoirs. a Description of the Third Volume of, 803.
Breslau, the Attack on the French Consulate at, 29L Fehrenbach, Herr, Forms a Coalition Ministry. 1. (See also under" Peace Treaties.") GREECE.
Venizelos, Si.: the Attempted Assassination of. In Paris, 226 ; the Defeat of, at the Elections, 657. King Alexander. the Death of, 553.
Prince Paul Refuses to Ascend the Throne, 586. Rallis, M., Forms a Ministry, 657.
Constantine, ex-King : the Plebiscite on the Return of. 761; his Arrival at Venice. 803; his Return to Athens, 837.
(See also under - Peace Treaties.") ITALY.
Bersaglieri. Mutiny of, at Ancona, 2. Giolitti. Signor : Explains his Policy, 2 ; and the Evacuation of Albania. 181; on the Co-operative Control of Factories, 390.
Metal Industry, the Strikes in the, 354-390.
Vatican : the " Surprise " of the, at Dr. Mannix's Utterances, 162 ; the French Embassy at the, to be Re-established. 726.
(See also under " Peace Treaties.") UGO-SLA VIA.
(See under " Peace Treat es.") PERSIA.
Cabinet, the Resignation of the, 586.
Warsaw : the Bolshevik Offensive against, 33- 161-193 ; the Set-Back to the Bolsheviks, 225 ; the Polish Advance, 257-290-354-390-423.
Armistice. Proposed : the Terms of the, 66; the Bolsheviks and the, 161-193.
Peace Conferences : at Minsk. 257-290 ; at Riga, 322-390-423-453.
Militia of " Workers." the Bolsheviks and a, 289. Polish Peace Teens, the, 290.
Lithuanians. the Fighting with the, 322-354- 390-423.
Polish Prisoners, Bolshevik Barbarities against, 828.
Armistice and Preliminary Peace : the Terms of the, 453 ; the Signing of the. 487.
(See also under " Peace Treaties.") RUSSIA.
Balahovitch, General, the Campaign of, in White Russia, 522. Bolsheviks, Reported Violent Dissensions among the. 727.
British Labour Delegation, the Report of the, 290. Communist Congress of Eastern Peoples, the, at Baku. 453.
Lenin on the British Working Man, 258. Tchitcherin. M.: on the Popularity of Bolshevik Rule, 289 ; Mr. Balfour's Reply to, 322.
Wrangel, General : the French Recognition of. 193-225 ; M. Kameneff and Mr. Lloyd George's Attitude to. 225 ; the Bolshevik Offensive against. 586 ; the Defeat of, 658. (Bee also under " Peace Treaties.") TURKEY.
(See under " Peace Treaties.")
America Cup, the Races for the, 131.
Chicago Daily News, the, and Mr. Tilden's Recep- tion in England. 99.
Chicago. the Attempted Lynching of Three Negroes in, 391. Ireland. Atrocities in. the Commission of Inquiry into, 486.
Mannix, Dr., the Disorder at the Departure of. 162.
Paine, General, the Proclamation of, during the Civil War, 486. Presidency : Governor Cox Nominated Demo- cratic Candidate for the, 33; Republicans Carry the State of Maine, 855 the Election of Senator Harding, 686-622.
Wall Street, New York, the Great Explosion In, 890.
(See also under" Peace Treatise.")
OBITUARY. Anderson, Mr. .1. D., 786. Bright. Dr. J. Frank, 694. Collings, Mr. Jesse, 691. Elton, Sir Edmund, 176. Empress Eugenie. the, 87. Fisher, Lord, 87.
Glenconner, Lord, 785. Holmes. John Bancroft, 272. King Alexander of Greece, 653. Paravicini. Francis de, 43-177. Male Mr. Bal Gang,adhar. 168.