We have received two pamphlets representing what is, without exaggeration,
some of the most enlightened thought of our time. They are recent lectures by Dean Inge and Dr. Leonard Huxley. In the Fison Memorial Lecture (Longmans, Green, Is.) the Dean of St. Paul's makes profession of his philosophic faith. He sees the One not only in the forms of the Many; but as the Absolute, distinct from all that exists : a modified' dualism. Lao-tse is qiroted with approval, but the Old Vedic. Path to nirvana is dismissed as a denial of life. We may learn much about our upward path to God, but can learn little or nothing of the downward descent into matter which is creation. But it is impossible to summarize fairly what is already the summary of a lifetime of thought. Everyone interested in philosophy should read this clear and powerful .essay. Progress and the Unfit (Watts, 2s.) is Dr. Leonard. Huxley's Conway Memorial Lecture, and states the case for eugenics with brilliance, brevity and- entire reasonableness. We could wish this pamphlet—in size it is nothing more, for it can easily, be read- in an hour, albeit the thoughts it provokes may not be resolved so quickly—were in the hands of every social reformer.