Under The Cherry Tree. By Peter Traill. (faber And Gwyer.
7s. 6d. net)-This delightful title is taken from a Japanese proverb, "In the market-place there is money ; but under the cherry tree there is rest and peace." Mr. Peter Traill......
A Peakland Faggot. The Collected Short Stories Of R. Murray
Gilchrist. With a Preface by Eden Phillpotts. (Faber and Gwyer. 88. 6d. net.)-Mr. Eden Phillpotts in his intro- duction criticizes this collection with much more truth and......
Teeftallow. By T. S. Stribling. (nisbet. •7s. Tkl....
Fonibcrinbo will doubtless not be baffled by the rather involved and difficult beginning of Mr. Stribling's new novel. Others may be disconcerted by the confusion of events and......
Red Earth. By Jane England. (cassell. 7s. 6d. Net.)- This
book, though it has the almost inevitable signs of imma- turity belonging to a first novel, gives a very vivid description of a girl in a farm near Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia,......
The War God Walks Again. By F. Britten Austen. (williams
and Norgate. 3s. 6d.)-Mr. Britten Austen's very alarming stories are sponsored by "Ole Luk-Oie," whose writings gave much food for thought to all students of pre-War Military......
Angry Dust. By Eric Maschwitz. (constable. '78. 6d.)...
is only interested in engines, horse- power and invoices. He learns by bitter experience that, unlike engines, "Love will not be constrained by maslery."......
Circe Island And The Girl And The Faun. By Eden
Phillpotts. (Grant Richards. 6s. net.)-Anyone who is weary of the bustle and noise of the modern world will be charmed with Mr. Eden Phillpotts' classical experiments. Purists......
Finance - Public And Private
THE PAST HALF YEAR BY ARTHUR W. KIDDY, AT the beginning of 1926, business men viewed the year with some apprehension. There were not wanting ludic*. tions of improverhent in the......
Books Recommended
MISCELLANEOLIS.-Influencing Human Behaviour. By H. A. Overstreet. (Cape. 7s. 6d.) Heredity. 5th Edition By J. Arthur Thomson. (Murray. 21s.) River Thames. By F. V. Morley.......
Forthcoming Events
Tuesday, July 6th, at 5.30 p.m.-Is SCIENTIFIC INVENTION BECOMING A NUISANCE? Professor A. M. Low and MT. E. V. Knox (" Evoe " of Punch) will speak. In aid of King Edward's......