THE WAR GOD WALKS AGAIN. By F. Britten Austen. (Williams
and Norgate. 3s. 6d.)-Mr. Britten Austen's very alarming stories are sponsored by "Ole Luk-Oie," whose writings gave much food for thought to all students of pre-War Military psychology. The present book is more rich in brute fact than in the subtleties of brain work and describes the appalling results of the future methods of warfare-chemical, mechanical and above all aerial. The civilian reader will come to the conclusion that if the author's prophecies arc fulfilled, civilization as we know it will certainly be entirely wiped out, whatever nation may prove the victor in a new . World War. No miracles of personal valour will be of the slightest use against the pitiless efficiency of machines, and If more than one great Power develops real efficiency in air craft, the effect on the civilian population will be so dis- astrous that victory will be as costly to the life of the nation as defeat. Mr. Britten Austen makes a very complete and artistic tragedy out of each of his sketches, and if they do not promise enjoyment to the average reader, they will certainly furnish him with plenty of excitement.