Mr. John Chancellor Has Written An Admirable Little...
How to be Happy in Paris without being Ruined. This is a small guide to Paris, very, up to date and practical. Messrs. Arrowsmith arc to be congratulated on producing it at ps......
The Intellectual Snobbery Which Stands So Often Like A Ghost
at a reviewer's elbow urged us to close Mr. Lothrop Stoddard's Scientific Humanism - (Seribners, 7s. 6d.) when we reached the following footnote : "Roger Bacon, one of the......
A A *
An omission from last week's suggestions for holiday reading was the Summer Number of Punch (Is.), which is as good as ever—in fact better.......
We Have Received Two Pamphlets Representing What Is,...
some of the most enlightened thought of our time. They are recent lectures by Dean Inge and Dr. Leonard Huxley. In the Fison Memorial Lecture (Longmans, Green, Is.) the Dean of......
First We Meet Herbert As A Self-willed And Argumentative...
boy. Even in his childhood he refused to accept any- thing that he could not reason out for himself. Particularly he would never repeat lessons ; he could not be induced to......
This Week's Books
MESSRS. ROBERT HOLDEN publish The Lawn Tennis Guide by Mr. F. Gordon Lowe, 3s. 6d. This is ar well-planned book which should do much to smooth the path of the "rabbit," and even......
The Sportsmanship Brotherhood, Which Was Founded By...
Broadway, New York City, sends us a pamphlet on Sportsmanship, "a bridge of understanding amongst the nations of the world." The laudable idea of this society is well expressed......
Mr. J. C. Ellis Has Written A Deeply Interesting Story
of crime and Criminals in Black Fame (Hutchinson. 5s.). We are most of us interested in crime, whatever . we may say to the contrary, and why not ? The love letters of .......