"unlike The Germans," M. Dueros Remarks With A Certain...
"the French are not a nation of supermen." And therefore, in consonance with his professions, he gives us a very human, anti-heroic picture of the state of France under the......
Prophets, Priests And Publicans. By J. P. Arendzen....
Co. Os. net.) Dn. ARENDZEN, a Roman Catholic defending the Faith against Modern criticism, has written a delightful little book which will interest all who are perplexed......
A Social Survey Of The City Of Edinburgh. (edinburgh :
For the Council of Social Service, Is.) SOME years ago valuable surveys of social work and conditions in Oxford and Cambridge were made by Miss Butler and Miss Eglantyne Jebb. A......
Teeftallow. By T. S. Stribling. (nisbet. •7s. Tkl....
Fonibcrinbo will doubtless not be baffled by the rather involved and difficult beginning of Mr. Stribling's new novel. Others may be disconcerted by the confusion of events and......
The Long Shadow. By B.l. Jacot. (noeldouglas. 6s. Net.)—a...
of short stories of which the account of a little boy s outing in a " chairybang " and the description of a char- woman's evening work are the most successful. Indeed, the......
The Golden Beast. By E. Phillips Oppenheim. (hodder And...
7s. 6d. net.)—It is, of course, impossible for so prolific a writer as Mr. Phillips Oppenheim always to attain his highest standard, and it must be confessed that The Golden......
A Naturalist's Pilgrimage. By Richard Kearton:
(Cassell. 7s. 6d. net.) MR. KEARTON'S reminiscences are told with delightful sim - plicity. Perhaps his profession as a lecturer on natural history has made him alert to the......
The Origin Of Birds. By Gerhard Hellmann. (h. F. And
0. Witherby. 20s. net.) Tins is a most valuable and interesting monograph, illus- trated by a hundred and forty photographs and drawings, and two plates in colour. The substance......
Quaint Signs Of Olde Inns. By 0. J. Monson-fitjcl:n. -...
is. (k. net.) OxE of the most engaging occupations for an antiquary is to try to follow back to their origin the names of some of our old inns. Mr. Monson-Fitz.john quotes an......
The Director Of The National Gallery Of Scotland Sends Us
a pamphlet on painting. It is called "a popular guide" to his Gallery, but it is in no sense a catalogue of that famous collection. It is a history of painting in Europe and is......
BARRICADE. By John Presland. (Philip Allan. 7s. 6d. net.) —Mr. Presland describes revolutionary Vienna in 1848, and gives us not only an interesting and exciting story, but a......
Tins Is An Admirably Written Book, Straight From The...
experience, on the secret of receptivity in prayer at which so many people stumble. The author departs from St. John's Gospel in depersonalizing truth. He writes of a side of......
Tinsel. By Charles Hanson Towne. (appleton, 7s. 6d....
entertaining account of an American social climber who, beginning as a leader of fashion in Eureka, Ohio, rises to be a parasite in the social circle of Newport itself. The......