At The Meeting Of The Anti-slavery Society On Tuesday A
strong protest was made against the Colour-bar Act in South Africa. It was argued that from the point of view of maintaining the wages of white men the Act would fail, but that......
- In Regard To Home Policy, M. Briand Declared That
he regarded. an Electoral Reform Bill as urgently necessary. It was agreed that there should be a full debate on finance in the Chamber next Tuesday. Outside the Chamber, M.......
The Eight Hours Bill Was Discussed In The House Of
Commons on Monday and Tuesday, and received its Second Reading at the end of the debate on Tuesday. The debate of Tuesday was particularly rowdy. The Labour members are falling......
We Have Written Elsewhere About The Political Crisis In...
On Tuesday it was announced that the Conservative leader, Mr. Meighen, had formed a Govern- ment and that he held it to be his duty to conclude the work of the session. It had......
The New French Government Met The Chamber For The First
time on Tuesday. Its reception was not at all encouraging. It is the simple truth to say that the whole civilized world watches with anxious sympathy the attempt of France to......
On Tuesday, M. Briand Struck The Right Note By Telling
the Chamber that the life of the nation was at stake. "The time," he said—we quote from the Times—" for dispute is past. It is not a question of debating, but of acting and......
The Russian Debate In The House Of Commons On Friday,
June 25th, revealed very little that was new. The Russians always behave in the same preposterous and futile way and their behaviour causes the same division here as before. The......