The new French Government met the Chamber for the first
time on Tuesday. Its reception was not at all encouraging. It is the simple truth to say that the whole civilized world watches with anxious sympathy the attempt of France to put her financial affairs in order. The new Government has been described as " Two-headed," and that is a fair description of a Government in which M. Briand has given in advance quite exceptional powers to his colleague, M. Caillaux. M. Caillaux has at once adopted the posture of the strong man and has removed the Governor of the Bank of France. It will be remembered that the Conunittee of Experts appointed by a previous Government has not yet issued its recommendations. There may be trouble when it does. It has been rumoured that the experts are in favour of meeting the financial difficulties by raising a loan in Great Britain or America. It is thought that M. Caillaux is not in favour of a loan— at all events, not under that name—though .he will no doubt want so to arrange the debt settlements with Great Britain and America as to get credits for France.