Although this company has not yet entered the dividend lists, the recent Annual Report and the statements at the General Meeting show that some progress is being made, and the Company's first crop of cotton grown from the 1924 flood, and packed and marketed during the first half of last year, amounted to 27,177,000 kantars of seed cotton. For the year the Company also showed a realized net profit of £69,861 and therefore, in addition to meeting the Debenture Interest, the Company was able to extinguish its Debit Balance of 115,499 brought forward from the previous year, still leaving a balance on the right side of £24,362. Unfortunately, the chairman had to state that prospects of the cotton crop for the current season were poor, owing to an unsatisfactory flood in the previous year. Progress is being made, however, with the Italian irrigation scheme in Eritrea and the works are reported to be so well advanced towards completion as to make it possible to use the 1926 flood.
A. W. K.