[To the Editor of the Srzervroa.]
Sut,—I was much interested in Mr. Stefansson's article on frostbite. I have just read the letter by Mr. Tweed in your issue of February 16th. I have lived in the province of Saskatchewan—which, up to 1905, was part of the North- West Territories—for eighteen years. My location is three hundred miles north of the International Boundary. I have experienced temperatures 50 degrees below zero, but, have never had frozen face, finger or toe. My first winter here was severe. Having had no instruction on the subject I used my common sense, and when I felt that cheeks or nose were about to freeze I protected my face with my hand until warmth was restored. The hand will hardly freeze during the process, but this can be prevented if the soft leather pull-over mit only is removed, and the hand still covered with the woollen mit is used. I have never found it necessary to protect my face from frostbite while walking a distance of ten yards, but in driving ten miles I have had to do it frequently if facing the wind.
To apply friction to frozen nose or cheek is a case of the cure being worse than the disease. During a long haul with a heavy load when a man has to guide his team along an uncertain trail he will resort to rubbing with the leather mit. One such experience is enough. It frequently results in an ugly sore that takes some time to heal, and the affected part is more susceptible to frostbite after. Let me add that, despite our cold winters, the province of Saskatchewan has the lowest death-rate of any State or Province that gathers and publishes vital statistics.—I am, Sir, &c., A Non'WEsr FARMER.