The Reparations Situation Does Not Seem To Have ' Changed...
since we wrote last week, but what change there has been is, on the whole, hopeful. On Thursday, April 24th, the replies. of the British, French and Belgian Governments reached......
We Pass Now To The Abolished Taxes. First Of All
we are extremely glad to record the disappearance of the Corporation Profits Tax, which has been a heavy load upon every kind of industry and commerce. The cost is expected to......
Sir W. Davison Inquired Whether It Was Not A Fact
that the boundary was definitely fixed by the Act of 1920. " How," he asked, " can a statutory provision of that kind be set aside by any agreement to which Northern Ireland is......
In The Daily News Of Last Saturday Sir Frederick Maurice,
writing from Dortmund, reported that the Italian engineers in the Ruhr had suddenly demanded that their country should take part in the M.I.C.U.M:J agreements. This action, he......
Finally Mr. Kenworthy Pressed His Pertinent Question...
No legislation will be required ?" Whereupon Mr. Thomas said, " I cannot go further into the matter.", What does all this mean ? We take leave to hope that it means that the......
Finally, The Chancellor Of The Exchequer, True To His...
economic opinions, announced that the powers of the Land Valuation Department, which were taken away last year, will be restored. An inquiry is to be conducted as to the......
Under The Heading Of Income Tax A Small Concession Is
made to widows and widowers who have children. Legislation dealing with minor matters is also promised. For example, persons whose claim to be " ordinarily resident " outside......
In The House Of Commons On Tuesday, Mr. J. H.
Thomas, in answer to a question by Mr. Baldwin on the Irish Boundary, reminded the House that his predecessor had received a request from the Irish Free State last July for the......