The Death Of Herr Helfferich, Who Was Killed In The
Swiss railway accident at Bellinzona on Thursday, April 24th, may have an important effect on German politics, and so on the chances of European recovery. Helfferich was perhaps......
At Briton Ferry On Monday The Prime Minister Made One
of those reflective and spiritually-minded speeches which excite the fury of Bolsheviks and are described in Moscow as being inspired by a hideous bourgeois pietism. Mr.......
In The Daily News Of Last Saturday Sir Frederick Maurice,
writing from Dortmund, reported that the Italian engineers in the Ruhr had suddenly demanded that their country should take part in the M.I.C.U.M:J agreements. This action, he......
Meanwhile, Another Aspect Of The Situation Is The Fact That
Mr. Shinwell, the Secretary for Mines, is said to be preparing a Bill for the nationalization of mining royalties. This measure, of course, would have nothing to do with the......
On Thursday, April 24th, Prince George Opened The New...
train ferry. Thus at last the project of linking these islands with the Continental railway system is realized. As has been already said in the Spectator, the vessels used on......
On The Other Hand, The Internal German Situation Seems To
have definitely improved. The Government has taken its courage in both hands, and has evidently made up its mind to go to the country with the acceptance of the Experts' Report......
Bank:rate, 4 Per Cent., Changed From 8 Per Cent. July
.5, .1923 ; 5 per cent. War Loan was on Thursday, 100; Thursday week, 102! ; a year ago, 101.......