A Book Of The Moment.
MAHATMA GANDHI. IN the epilogue to his Jean-Christophe, that vast epic of a disappearing age, M. Romain-Rolland makes Saint Chris- topher, after struggling through the river......
THIS - WEEK'S BOOKS. Mn. ROY CAMPBELL'S verse is rowdy and alarming : The Flaming Terrapin (Cape) stands like a giant among the bagatelles and delicacies of most modern poets.......
In Defence Of Man.
Problems of Belief. By F. C. S. Schiller. (Hodder and Stoughton. 38. 6d. net.) THE devil has all the best talent. Dr. Schiller is the only modern English philosopher who "......
The Stuff Of Romance.
The Ships and Sailors of Old Salem. By Ralph D. Paine. (Heath Cranton. 21S.) The Ships and Sailors of Old Salem. By Ralph D. Paine. (Heath Cranton. 21S.) THIS book, its author......