What Is Rotary ?
BY EVELYN WRENCH. M OST great movements started in a humble way.; this certainly is true of the Rotary Club movement or Rotary International as it is now termed. " Most of the......
Only A Few Weeks Ago In These Notes The Return
of a very successful Indian. Governor, Sir George Lloyd, was mentioned. On. Saturday, Lord Willingdon, another distinguished Indian Governor, returned after eleven years'......
* * There Have Been Several Dramatic Features About The
great flight round the world which is being attempted by British and American airmen and at the eleventh hour by the French pilot, Lieutenant Peltier d'Oisy. After preliminary......
ENGLISH-SPEAKING WORLD. BY EVELYN WRENCIL A CURIOUS situation has arisen in Newfoundland. The recent scandals which wt-e referred to in the Spectator at the time are responsi......