[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—One of the many attractions of Hythe is the number of birds one sees almost everywhere. On Thursday, April 17th, I was looking through binoculars over the sea, when a swallow came into sight, and was good enough to fly almost directly up to me, evidently a weary bird just arrived and flying in the Saltwood (northerly) direction. On Good Friday morning a goldcrest was flitting about, and a little later a wryneek or " cuckoo's mate " came into the garden, where it remained for over two hours, so that it could be well observed, giving us an exhibition of its curious way of hunting for ants and insects in the flower beds. On Saturday morning a very jubilant cuckoo arrived. Can any of your correspondents give a more cheering list of Easter visitors ?—I am, Sir, &c.,