Letters to the Editor
Admiral Pound Sir Robert Boothby, MP
Vice Admiral J. W. Durnford
Easter Morning Christopher Hollis, Sir Charles Jeffries, Rev. H. M. J. Burdett, Rev. E. Oliver
Sutton and others The Angry Young Man Evelyn Seymer
Doctors' Pay Hugh R. C. Hay
Desert Love Paul Elek ADMIRAL POUND Stn,—May I correct one error in Mr. Ludovic Kennedy's interesting article about Admiral Pound? It is not the case that, at the Battle of Jutland, the Admiralty neglected to inform Sir John Jellicoe of the intelligence that Admiral Scheer was making for the Horn Reef.
At 10.41 p.m. the Iron Duke, and at about 11.30 p.m., after it had been decoded, the Commander-in- Chief, received the following message : 'German battlefleet ordered home at 9.14 p.m. Battle-cruisers in rear. Course SSE I cast. Speed 16 knots.' (Official Narrative, p. 72.) This could only mean that the High Seas Fleet was returning by the Horn Reef. Jellicoc rejected the in- formation and continued to steam southward at 17 knots until 2.30 a.m., with the result that he was unable to bring the enemy battlefleet to action at dawn. The consequences were immeasurable, but the Admiralty was not to blame.—Yours faithfully, ROBERT BOOTHBY House of Commons, SW I